About Me: From Mental Health Life Coach To Language Learning Expert


Aurora {AuraEcho}
13 min readApr 19, 2024


Photo by Johannes Plenio on Unsplash

Healthy soul is selfish, while damaged soul wants praise.

I have something to tell you…

Some of you might not like it, but it’s the truth, it’s who I am. It’s the most authentic version of who I am. It’s me!

It still feels surreal, I must admit!

I am immensely proud to announce that I, Aurora, from this day on, offer:



‘’Becoming a language learning expert,’ photo of (and by) the Author edited with Canva

Yep, that’s right!

I’ve put mental health life coaching aside, for some time in the future (maybe).


I’m now a bilingual copywriter, translator, and language teacher, proficient in Spanish to English and vice versa, offering:

  1. Translation and copywriting services to businesses aiming to transition between markets. Moving from the ENGLISH SPEAKING MARKET to the SPANISH SPEAKING MARKETPLACE.
  2. As well as helping businesses transition from the SPANISH MARKETPLACE to the ENGLISH MARKETPLACE.
  3. I assist by providing Spanish to English or English to Spanish translation and copywriting services in both Spanish and English, as well as teaching English and Spanish, tailored to their business content.
Photo by Edurne Tx on Unsplash

This is the day. The day that I start listening to my inner guidance again, it’s about time.

Surely, I adore mental health and helping people.

I loved being a mental health life coach.

And I guarantee you that you will see me write and speak about mental health again.

But there is just something about languages…

Ugh, I can’t really put my finger on it. Maybe that’s the magic, who knows? But my heart sings and my soul floats when I learn (about) languages.

You might be asking yourself why I decided that, and how I came to that conclusion, so here’s my backstory.


I recently (2 months ago) watched Melanie Ann Layer’s masterclass called “THE GREAT LEAP”, a masterclass that she held for the sake of the leap year 2024.

And that’s where I got the “first” (noticeable) sign that this path in my career isn’t “it” because the masterclass made me do loads of self-reflection, which anyone who knows me knows that I love it and do it a lot.


It made me think about the hypothetical scenarios, which I must admit frightened me at first, especially at that time.

I thought about the scenarios of my dream life, the scenarios where I stopped with the business that I spent the past three years working on, and started a language-related business.

Sounds pretty crazy, right?

“But what if I did it, though?”

“What if?”


Those were my wildest dreams.

She wanted us to imagine ourselves 4 years from now, so in February 2028. “The Great Leap” was video-game-themed, so it was mainly built around the concepts of either being an NPC (non-playable character) or MVP (most valuable player) in your own game of life.

And I realized that I can’t be the MVP if I don’t fulfill and live up to my full potential.

When Melanie mentioned the analogy of “what gives you hearts?” – like in the game, where you can either lose hearts (lose “lives”) or eventually get them back…

All I could think of was that it is something that would include languages in some way.

At that time, I was abandoning language learning even in my free time, that’s how bad it was.

She also mentioned doing things that “get you in the zone”, which is basically about doing something that gives you a high vibration, so you become that high vibration and attract positive things.

Can you guess what my insight was about what “gets me in the zone”? Again, languages. But of course, I wasn’t ready to admit that to myself, yet. It stayed with me even now, two months after the event, until recently kept somewhere at the back of my mind.

Photo by Jarritos Mexican Soda on Unsplash

But luckily, another sign came – thank you, Universe, for being so patient with me because I am aware that I often need 2000 signs before I connect the dots (I’m working on that, don’t worry!)


The second sign was a workshop.

For a few days straight, maybe even a week, a Facebook ad kept popping up on my Facebook feed.

A specific Facebook ad.

I believe the fact that the ad kept reappearing to me until the day I signed up for the workshop was a sign.

I just looked again at the ad screenshot today and I giggled because quite ironically it read “From passion to profession”, to which my first association has always been languages.

But no, the workshop wasn’t on that topic. It wasn’t that obvious and straightforward. It was up to me to connect the dots.

The topic of the workshop was “How to create and grow your business as a Coaching or Therapy Professional”.

Speak of the devil…

How creative was the Universe to give me such an amazing sign!?


Photo by Madalyn Cox on Unsplash

I was a mental health life coach, who didn’t really like the expression “life coach”, because the coaching industry doesn’t have that good of a reputation, I also experienced it on my own skin.

Plus, I always loved the word “therapist” more. But that’s not the only way the Universe pulled me in and convinced me with that ad.

I was a mental health life coach, who desperately (yes, desperately) tried to build my online mental health life coaching business for almost three years now,

and the fact that the title of the workshop was “HOW to CREATE and GROW your coaching business” sounded perfect, tailor-made for me.

I had absolutely no feeling that I CREATED something in the past three years whatsoever, let alone GREW it, so yeah, clearly I had no idea HOW.

There I was, patiently and closely listening to and watching day 1 of Ligia Koijen Ramos’ workshop “How to create and grow your coaching business as a coaching or therapy professional: From passion to profession”.

The biggest insight that I got was something along the lines of:

“If the main part of your occupation mentally drains you, especially if it happens on a daily basis, then you are doing the wrong thing. And no, not accounting or paperwork because that is not the main part of coaching. It’s coaching sessions.”

That was a red flag for me, but I still continued doing what I did and continued watching the workshop for another day. I just didn’t feel like I have the right business strategy or a business strategy at all.

Plus, I couldn’t really find a niche because I felt an urge to help everyone (another red flag).

Basically, it was almost like I was expecting the business strategy to fall from the sky.

Photo by Alex Sheldon on Unsplash

Another important insight that I got during that time, which I think was also from Ligia’s workshop, was that you must discover your own business strategy.

And it clicked after a few days…

I thought to myself:

“I would rather start completely anew with doing what I love doing the most and live like an MVP (most valuable player), rather than waste another 3–5 (or probably even more) years to experiment and keep trying to make it work with coaching if it wasn’t my biggest passion anyway”.

But I was still too afraid to do it.


Photo by Fa Barboza on Unsplash

Then, another few days went by and Jaka Juvan, my fiancé, handed me a book by Vadim Zeland that we were both reading at that time (Reality Transurfing: The Rustle of the Morning Stars), he was quite a few pages ahead of me and handed me the book and said,

Here, read it. This might be the solution that you are looking for“.

And it was!


Photo by Elijah Hiett on Unsplash

I read about the false idea that I had, which was “success can only be achieved through hard work”.

Overcoming numerous hurdles is seen not just as a misconception but as a potentially harmful mindset.

This belief is rooted in the model of reality where every reward must be fought for, where happiness is always on the other side of a battleground of challenges.

I was shocked to read that because I thought that this kind of worldview was something ordinary, a step in the right direction even.

The stereotype of needing to earn our place under the sun, through relentless effort and overcoming, is what Zeland describes as following a “foreign goal.”

A foreign goal is an objective or desire that is not truly ours but is imposed by society, culture, or external expectations.

Pursuing such goals can lead to a path of constant struggle and dissatisfaction because they do not resonate with our innermost desires and true self.

Happiness is not a distant treasure to be unearthed after a long battle; it is a state that can be embraced here and now, by shifting our perception and aligning our actions with our true intentions and desires.

When we let go of foreign goals and the societal glorification of struggle, we open ourselves to a more natural and fulfilling path towards success and happiness.

Zeland argues that the belief in hard work and struggle as the only paths to success is a reflection of pendulums – societal constructs and collective energy fields that feed on our fears, doubts, and struggles.

By detaching from these pendulums and choosing to follow our unique path, guided by our inner voice and true desires, we can find a more effortless and joyful journey towards our goals.

I never thought about it that way, and I never thought that I would be looking back, saying that I was following a foreign goal.

And as Vadim Zeland said, the road to a foreign goal is always a struggle.

Following a foreign goal meant that I had to push myself to do something about coaching all the time. It meant obligation.

But wait, there’s another red flag!


Photo by Randalyn Hill on Unsplash

Not too long ago, while looking at Instagram profiles of my peers, specifically those that have a successful business built from their passion.

I had a lot of “It’s not fair” thoughts and was wondering “what marketing strategy are they using that I am not!?” and realized that it was actually all about passion.

Wait, what was the subtitle of Ligia’s workshop again?

From passion to profession” – that’s right!

And that was their “marketing strategy”.

Photo by Marcos Paulo Prado on Unsplash

“But how and when did coaching even come into question then?”

Fun fact, it was 2019 when I started working with translation on Upwork. This was my first business.

I did a few projects and absolutely adored it. It once took me like 8 hours to finish a project but quite ironically, I felt more energized after completing the project than before starting it.

But I didn’t let myself think too much of it nor enjoy it too much because many people told me that there is no money in language-related businesses, especially language translation (which happened to be something that I enjoy the most), and that AI will take over as the years progress.

My dreams were absolutely crushed and shattered.

Side note, I now know that a human translator can capture emotions and show empathy – it’s human connection that AI doesn’t offer, so we are still on top, baby.

But my money blocks and money wounds were quite severe at that time, so since I was unaware of them, I unknowingly let them take over.


Photo by Marcel Strauß on Unsplash

I then, after joining Mindvalley, as a student, and completely overcoming and self-healing my

  • anxiety,
  • depression,
  • and C-PTSD,

came in touch with the concept of “contributing to the world” and saw how transformative that contribution component was for my mental health because,

at that time, helping people with their mental health was something that was instrumental for me overcoming my mental health struggles as well.

I felt like I had a purpose.

Plus, I knew that since I overcame my own mental health struggles that I would know how to help others better as well.

So, I decided to obtain a Mindvalley Evercoach Life Coaching certification and completed it successfully.


Photo by Jack Prommel on Unsplash

Quite ironically, even my CV is filled with my language learning journey, describing my journey with acquiring 8 languages, and a sentence that recently served as the cherry on top and made me reconsider everything.

Here’s an excerpt from the paragraph, where I am mentioning the transition from Secondary school for Cosmetics to Secondary school for Tourism: “Little did I know that 2 years later I would realize that it wasn’t my cup of tea. This experience was quite turbulent, stressful, and hard but has taught me to follow my heart”.

“Taught me to follow my heart”, hmm… interesting, Aurora!

Just next time please follow your soul and intuition too!

I thought that transitioning from Secondary school for Cosmetics to Secondary school for Tourism was the only career path change that I will ever have or need.

I probably had that belief especially because in our household and perhaps even in our country it is very emphasized that “you have to choose your career wisely”, and it’s a rule of thumb that it’s not quite ordinary, in fact even weird to change careers, so you:

  • choose your career once
  • and do it for the rest of your life,
  • most people do it without questioning their choice.

But if they happen to question it, they just regret it but don’t do anything about it. They just warn you to not repeat the same “mistakes”.


Photo by Ross Findon on Unsplash

When I started attending Secondary school for Cosmetics in September 2018, I thought it was the best fit.

At first, I thought that this was the only way to make myself feel beautiful and make others feel appealing too.

But after some time, I finally understood the pattern and started my personal growth journey, where I learned different ways to make people feel and look beautiful.

This meant not hiding behind makeup and helping people accept and love their true selves.

I am proud of having had the courage and emotional maturity to break the cycle of reliance on makeup and look for different solutions to help people find their inner beauty that they can radiate on the outside.

So, to sum up and clarify:

  • I basically transitioned from Secondary school for Cosmetics, (to which I applied because
  • I wanted to help people feel better about themselves but accidentally through wearing makeup, which was based on my experience)
  • to Secondary school for Tourism, to which I transitioned because I was basically studying to become a beautician and my favorite school subject was English – quite strange if you ask me. (Yes, we only had 1 foreign language – even though I must admit that English isn’t a foreign language to me anymore, especially since I am at a near-native level).


Photo by Myriam Zilles on Unsplash

So, at Secondary school for Tourism, I got the chance to have 3 foreign languages:

  • English,
  • German,
  • and Spanish.

When asked to choose a foreign language in the 2nd year of Secondary school (so basically at the time of applying for Secondary school for Tourism), I even asked the teacher that was present in the classroom if I can choose both Spanish and Italian, if I can have both.

I asked it jokingly but I wasn’t joking at all.

But the answer was no, so I chose Spanish, which is my favorite language by the way.


Photo by Alexander Mils on Unsplash

After finishing Secondary School of Tourism, I knew it was “time to get money,”

and since I wasn’t aware that my initial decision to abandon my “translation dream” was rooted in money blocks and money wounds, I continued to follow the coaching path.

I admit that I still have to work on the guilt and shame that comes from the fact that it’s not quite ordinary to change careers, and people shame you and guilt-trip you for being “confused.”

(Yes, they label you as “confused”)


I promise to continue helping people, just not business-wise for now. But you can still expect to see mental health-themed content and products from me.

The question might remain,

How do I know I’m following the right path now?”

Give your thoughts in the comments section. Let’s discuss that topic!

I started translating my fiancé’s Jaka Juvan Español articles into Spanish, and I adore every part of it.

I feel like me.

It feels right.

The rest will unfold as it’s supposed to.

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Aurora {AuraEcho}

Bilingual Copywriting & Translation Services🇬🇧🇪🇸