Absence of Gratitude is the Absence of Love, Absence of Life

The healing power of illness

Elio D'Anna
7 min readApr 3, 2021


Image provided by the author

Some questions and answers during a conversation with one of my students

This Instant is the only time at your disposal. You have no other time but now: Fill it with gratitude!

Gratitude is the most powerful currency you possess. Gratitude means loving yourself with the totality of your Being. Gratitude is that precious inner matter capable of fusing the impossible: Financial Power and Love.

In business, before you can have something, you must earn the money to pay for it — you have to pay beforehand. How?

By observing and not identifying with your negative thoughts and emotions. By not reacting mechanically to external events. By not being destructive and hostile to others. By being joyful and grateful for whatever happens to you in Life… Gratitude is cash.

Q. Here you describe the sense of gratitude as the force behind man’s evolution. I have been suffering from diabetes-related complications for years and I have so much resentment towards life for this condition that I cannot find any meaning in your words.

A. You have the power to make your body free from sorrow, suffering, and death. Will power, directed into the emotions, establishes vibrations. And vibrations are the living energy of which all things are composed. Gratitude, for example, is the reality of all creative power. He who is thankful in all things is made glorious. Man is made of what he thinks and feels. A man who is all gratitude is no longer a mere earthly mortal. He belongs to that humanity, beautifully and eternally free.

Be grateful to pain and it goes. Be grateful to fear and it disappears. Be grateful to death and it will die. Gratitude makes you whole and immortal.

To conquer immortality, you must overcome the thousands of deaths to which you give life and consent day after day.

The illness has forced you to stay a month, forty days, immobilized, limiting your food, without smoking, without working. Voluntarily you would never have done it. It is the illness that has imposed such severe discipline on you. You believe that the world is unfair and you accuse it, instead of feeling gratitude for the evil, for the enemy, for the pain.

This is the real root of your illness: the complaint, the accusation, the absence of gratitude. Do not blame, criticize or condemn people, circumstances, and events that appear to be against you, but be thankful to them, because they allow you to recognize that true condemnation that you are unconsciously living within yourself.

Be all grateful! Gratitude is the real gain. Be thankful to all people you meet and especially to those who criticize you, accuse you, condemn you — you’ll never be able to pay what you owe them.

The belief that misery and suffering are necessary to experience abundance, joy, and beauty in life, is devastating self-sabotage common to all men who have forgotten their own integrity. They need such a contrast to still imagine and experience some glimpses of their lost immortality-dream.

The Healing Power of Illness

You should never avoid, suppress or deny the trying condition of sickness, but accept it as a healing power and use it for your inner work of transformation.

Every disease is a healing crisis that teaches you something special.

Every disease contains in itself the seed of greater benefit.

Every disease is a further step towards a higher order of responsibility.

Each disease hides the secret of youth and longevity.

Each disease is an inner victory that brings you closer to realize that “living forever” is not only possible but inevitable.

You have spent forty days, in terror, in fear of a disease that does not forgive. You have cursed pain without understanding its preciousness, and without any desire to trace the true cause of all evil. Diabetes is only a reflection of that evil and it is denouncing the most brutal selfishness of those who would like to receive without giving, to be loved without loving. To give means self-giving within.

What you call illness is part of the integration process. Any external intervention, surgical or medical, is a renunciation of omnipotence, indestructibility, the immortality of the body. And, before that, an abdication of the dominion of the will, of one’s own Integrity.

Even that wound on your foot, which you mentioned, is the emblem, the metaphor, the counterpoint to the real disease. The foot that touches the ground corresponds to the physical mind that touches the world, to psychology polluted by external events, identified with everything that happens outside.

The responsibility for everything that happens to you in life is always yours alone. Accidents, illnesses, failures, and death are not casual. They are all produced by your inner violence and lack of understanding.

The disease, therefore, is a misunderstanding. The foot will never heal if you don’t heal inside. The wound is in the Being and no medicine from the outside can heal it.

There is only one medicine that can free you from years of addiction, self-sabotage, disobedience, and today, from needles and insulin: love you strongly inside.

There is no incurable disease except those you acknowledge to be such. There is no situation in Life that cannot be changed if you realize that you yourself are the source of all that happens to you.

Wake up! Awake to beauty, to love, to responsibility, to life! Wake up! Wake up! Wake up!

You are here for one purpose only: to conquer death. Nothing else matters.

Q. How can I get rid of fear?

A. Once you realize that all comes from within, that the world in which you live has not been projected onto you but by you, your fear comes to an end. The world outside is an empty screen on which we project the shadows of disintegrated psychology. Man, governed by a mortal, impotent god, has forgotten his Integrity and can only produce fragments of himself.

How many disciplines, how many techniques, experiences, rituals, methods, and systems to get rid of pain, fear, ignorance, or whatever, without ever succeeding.

Only those who free themselves from the idea of being born and who will one day death will be able to free themselves from the idea of being born.


All that has a beginning and an end is pain.

Happiness belongs only to those who are forever.

The belief in birth makes you die.

The idea of ‘being born’ makes you believe that Life has a beginning — that’s why death is inevitable.

For the hypnotic principle that “whatever begins has to end”, your belief in birth makes you die consequently. To be endless you have to be beginningless.

To be immortal you have to be birthless.

Q. If men didn’t die, their bodies, with age, would become irreparable and useless.

A. No, look at things from another point of view. Death becomes necessary because the body degrades, declines, and becomes unusable. The idea of never being born — the renunciation of a time-conditioned nature — does not permit the body to degrade. Not being able to degenerate, the body no longer needs to die. Accepting your birth as something truly occurred is the main reason for aging and dying. Questioning your birth will greatly improve the quality of your being and empower the idea of living forever.

Q. Can you tell us how we can approach Life knowing that one day we are going to die?

A. Instead of waiting for the end of your time, try to go back to your supposed beginning, and simply realize that you have never been born and that all the past and the entire story of your Life is just a projection of this very instant. This realization will make you whole, happier, stronger, healthier, wealthier, and more than anything….indestructible.

The ultimate aim of the disease is healing.

Q. What is the reason why modern medicine and the most advanced technologies have not yet eradicated illnesses considered fatal to humans such as cancer, HIV, and viruses?

A. The planet’s most terrible illness is not cancer, Aids, or viruses but man’s conflictual thinking. This is the foundation upon which the ordinary vision of the world is built: the real planetary killer.

We need a School, to show a “way out” to those who are ready, to those who have already begun to question the old description of the world and its obsolete and deadly principles. We need a method, a system, an escape plan to abandon old ideas and ways of thinking, to free ourselves from the prejudices, superstitions, and meaningless beliefs that tyrannically govern our existence. No one can do it alone. We need to meet someone who has made it before us, someone who has managed to escape the hypnotic tale of the world, psychological prisons, and suffocating laws.

Q. As you know, throughout the world there are factories of armaments that are being produced and stored to cause damage or even destroy humanity, how can we counteract or protect ourselves from such destructive power?

A. By taking yourself out from under the influence of every form of hypnotism, dependency, superstition, or identification with the world outside.

To change the destiny of humanity we need to change its psychology, its system of beliefs and convictions. We must eradicate from the depths of our being the tyranny of a conflictual, fragile, mortal mentality…

Humanity for its unpreparedness needs to die physically to heal. But, for a man of School, physical death is unnecessary and useless. We need to heal on a psychological level. The body never gets sick. It can only send signals, produce symptoms, to indicate the way to healing. The body is a perfect instrument that, through illness, denounces your “forgetfulness” and your lack of understanding.

In the body, as in the world, we receive symptoms as the last signals of something missing, lacking, of something incomplete which is crying for completeness, which is crying for unity, which is crying for healing, which is crying for perfection.

The illness is pointing out the way to happiness, certainty, security, safety.

This body is indestructible. We ourselves allow this body to be destroyed. The very thoughts and feelings we impose upon the body are creators of aging disease, failure, and death. Whatever happens in your body happens to the world.

The world is as you are, and you are this body: This birthless Deathless Body.



Elio D'Anna

Elio D’Anna, Founder and President of @eseschool, best-selling author, businessman, musician and producer https://linktr.ee/eliodanna