History is Written by the Victors

Absurdity of War — Episode 3

Karlo Tasler


Absurd sculpture in the city of Český Krumlov 2015 by Karlo Tasler

History is written by the victors!
You have heard for that one, haven’t you?
Now, imagine a potential war between vaxxers and anti-vaxxers.
We concluded earlier, though, that the war wouldn’t happen between vaxxers and anti-vaxxers, but only when the two sides get identified somewhere on the political spectrum (For more, see Trudeau). However, for the understanding of this article, it is not important whether it is vaxxers against anti-vaxxers, far-right against far-left, Bidenists against Trumpists, Russians against Ukrainians, Russians against Americans or Russians against Europe.
You just need to imagine a bloody war where two sides fight for what they believe is right.
Now, read the saying again — History is written by the victors.
Take a deep breath. Take a moment. Think about it.
How does that make you feel?
Hopeless? Anxious? Calm? Free?
Do you feel free now?

Let’s stick to vaxxers and anti-vaxxers, nonetheless, my main motivation.

Imagine — the year is 2024. After a long and exhausting war, the vaxxers are finally celebrating the great victory. They are walking in the streets, stocked with jabs and vaccinating the remaining unvaccinated people — those lucky ones who surrendered before getting killed. Anti-vaxxers are receiving a couple of shots simultaneously. Their look is dull and full of despair.

Vaxxers are now everywhere — in politics, in schools, science, and the media. They write history. The vax history! The war stays remembered as the attempt of extreme stupidity to deny science, governments, and the media. Anti-vax ignorance endangered global health in the midst of the fight against the deadly virus. However, due to the vigilance of vaxxers, anti-vaxxers were prevented in their intentions and ended up defeated with mass casualties. The justice won! Censorship is celebrated as a tool that helped vaxxers win the war.

So, in 100 years, a new virus comes, and that very vax system that had won the war starts depriving freedoms of citizens, introducing measures, and developing medicine to combat the virus. To those who don’t agree with policies, they simply say: “Oh, don’t be stupid. Just google ‘COVID 2020 pandemic’ and check out what kind of freedoms people were deprived of back then. Don’t be a stupid and primitive round-earther. (Obviously, by that point, people will have known that the earth is triangular or some other shape :D)

Imagine — the year is 2024. Anti-vaxxers have won the war after two years of guerrilla action. They are dancing in the streets to exorcise Satan from vaccinated people. The music is loud. Bob Marley is being played all over the place: “So, now we see the light, stand up for your rights.” They are setting masks on fire. The remaining vaxxers don’t know how it happened. It was all going in their direction, and then…

Anti-vaxxers have taken over the state. They now rule the media, science, schools. They are writing anti-vax history that will always be glorified: “The war in the early 2020s was the fight against totalitarianism. People’s freedoms were diminished. People were controlled and turned against each other. Children were used for the medical experiments while the media was morally intimidating parents who didn’t want to vaccinate their children. However, brave people who decided not to comply fought vaxxers and ensured freedom for future generations.

So, in 100 years, when a new virus comes, the winning anti-vax system doesn’t pay too much attention to it. Perhaps, they just let people coexist with the virus, straightening immune systems with vitamins, fresh air, healthy food, and other anti-vax tools. To those who don’t agree, and want measures to combat the virus they simply say: “Oh, don’t be crazy, just google ‘COVID 2020 pandemic’ and check out how it ended up for those who once took basic freedoms away from people.


Albert Camus is a man who made the philosophy of absurdism famous. He believed that knowing the absurd is understanding that there is no absolute ideal by which we can measure the value of things. It means there is no absolute truth, at least not in the world of ideals.

Eckhart Tolle, a spiritual teacher, advocates that the moment when one realizes nothing makes sense, or as Camus says everything is absurd, is often a moment that precedes the great realization that everything makes sense indeed and everything is as it needs to be. Right now.

Acceptance is the word they both use to explain the point of life. To accept every moment as it is is to see life fully, without subjective perceptions. Acceptance expands our perspective and makes us understand both sides of the argument. It makes us empathic. We are not prisoners of our ideals, but soldiers of life itself.

That is what freedom is. The genuine freedom. The one that comes from within. The one that cannot be shaken by politics, media, society or viruses. The one that sets you free even under the most totalitarian regime. The one that sets you free from the war identity.

Albert Camus: “The only way to deal with an unfree world is to become so absolutely free that your very existence is an act of rebellion.”

This was the third (3/5) in the series of stories about the absurdity of war.

The fifth one (5/5) named ‘War is in Us’ can be found on the following link:

The fourth one (4/5) named ‘Lesson From Auschwitz — The Smartest Nazis Always Get Away’ can be read here:

The second one (2/5) named ‘King Solomon: There is a Time for Peace, and there is a Time for War’ can be read on the following link:

The first one (1/5) named ‘War Identity’ can be read here:



Karlo Tasler

Explaining the complexity of life and its various perspectives through the beautiful game of football. Or rather the tragic game of football, so to speak.