Achieving Your Goals with 5 Mindset Shifts

Achieving your goal is not a one-time thing

Greeshma Manik
2 min readAug 12, 2022


Photo by Amadeo Valar on Unsplash

As per the dictionary definition, Mindset is all about “A way of thinking; an attitude or opinion, especially a habitual one”. This explains by itself why mindset is directly proportional to your goals. Well, that sounds like a mathematical equation, or does it?? I don't know. The point is, that your mindset and your goals are interlinked and intertwined together in more ways than you can imagine.

Having said that, let's go through five pointers that might help you focus on your mindset shifts.

Believe in yourself and your goals.

This will always be the important one. The reason is pretty simple.

The whole idea of achieving your goals is based on the belief that you yourself believe in that and is worth doing.

Measuring your goals.

Like every other aspect of life, your goals also need to be clear and measured. This can include measuring your progress from yesterday or a month or year.

Divide and define the goals and then measure the progress.

Goals can be divided into smaller tasks so that it motivates you to perform more. Imagine an example like you are learning a new skill. The skill as a whole would seem impossible to learn. But if you divide it into smaller tasks, you will start getting that instant motivation since you have already learned something today and you are better than yesterday. So all these small tasks will give you the momentum you need and guide you on your path.

Acknowledging your victories.

As mentioned in earlier points, you yourself are responsible for your dream and goals. Similarly, you can't expect others to pat your back or give you confidence every time. That necessitates the fact of acknowledging yourself and your small achievements and victories. This will boost your confidence and motivation.

The secret mantra — Self Discipline.

Well, I know it's one of the most textbook sentences or the most cliched suggestions ever. But you can't ignore it. How do you resist temptations and distractions? How do you keep your focus on the goal? The simple answer is Self-discipline. There is no shortcut to that.

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Greeshma Manik

Software Engineer, Technology Enthusiast and Blogger.