Your Energy is Sacred: Respect it.

Be careful where you put your energy. When you respect your energy, you respect your transcendent self.

Wambui Njuguna
3 min readNov 8, 2022


Photo by Greg Rakozy on Unsplash

Energy is everything. You eat, sleep, and meditate or pray to replenish your energy.

You get back the energy you give out to the universe.

You are unproductive because you feel drained, sluggish because you have exhausted your energy, and have a hard time keeping up with your schedule because you lack the energy to.

The intensity of everything you do or feel is dependent on your energy levels.

In that same light, everything you do or feel replenishes or drains your energy.

The law of energy in Physics states that energy cannot be created or destroyed. It can only be converted from one form to another.

We cannot create our energy. But the things we do or feel transform it.

I gave a few examples of how you can replenish your energy. They are healthy ways to spend your time. Similarly, there are things that you allow into your life and mind that drain you.

At the end of a day full of positivity, we are still going to feel exhausted because we put our energy into something.

But sometimes, we allow things, thoughts, and feelings into our life that drain us unnecessarily. This hinders you from performing the tasks that matter and has meaning to you.

You disrespect yourself when you exhaust your energy on everything other than that which has meaning to you.

It’s important to be careful what you give attention to. Constant negativity, overthinking, negative feelings like guilt, jealousy, envy, and worry, and engaging in irrelevant activities like silly arguments and gossip unnecessarily drains your energy.

Photo: Screenshot of author’s Twitter.

Some people will drain your energy too. They are a walking jar of negativity that keeps pouring. One of my friends likes to call them energy vampires.

The good news is there are just as many activities that replenish your energy.

Live authentically, express gratitude, do the things you genuinely love, and detach from things you do not need. Meditate, exercise, get enough rest, and have a healthy obsession with your growth.

The list of activities that replenish or drain your energy carries on to infinity. Be mindful enough to notice the people, activities, and thoughts you give your attention to. What impact do they have on your energy?

Be mindful of the energy you give out to people and the universe as well. You get the same energy back.

Change, in any aspect of life, must start within.

Bonus tip: Make expressing gratitude a habit.
Even on bad moments and days. By focusing on the positives in your life, you get the mental energy to deal with or overcome the negatives.

Photo: Screenshot of author’s Twitter

Focusing on the negatives drains you and may leave you stuck in a negative rut where you’re constantly drained.

Your holistic health writer, 💜
Wambui Njuguna.



Wambui Njuguna

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