Activities to Try in Santa Teresa for Travel Wellness

Martin Brooks
Published in
5 min readAug 18, 2023

No matter how many airline miles I rack up, every time I use the word “travel” it conjures up the excitement of an unknown adventure. The promise of adventure, whether planned or unexpected, is also a promise that I will get to disconnect from the rigors of daily life. To me, that’s what travel is all about — a change of pace so I can gain a fresh perspective.

Travel is meant to invigorate the senses, yet even amidst all of the excitement, travel has a special way of relaxing our minds and our bodies. For years I have traveled to capture a momentary break from the daily grind. I never realized that the entire point of travel is to connect with people, places, cultures, and most of all, to reconnect with myself. Once I realized this, I made it a practice to incorporate mindfulness and wellness techniques whenever I plan my travel activities. Here are three activities coupled with mindfulness techniques that are sure to rejuvenate your mind, body, and spirit when visiting Santa Teresa.

Grounding on Santa Teresa Beach

Foot print in the san from Unsplash

The moment my toes touched the white sand that blankets Santa Teresa Beach, I simply could not ignore the sensation that washed through me. It was subtle at first, but each time I walked on the beach I became more aware of the connection between me, the sand, the water, the air, and even the sky. I was in the moment, and I wanted to stay there forever. If you’re an ocean lover, then you probably know that sensation I’m talking about. So, instead of pushing forward to find the spot to settle in and watch the surf, I stood there for a moment and allowed myself to become grounded when visiting Costa Rica.

Even though the experience of being barefoot on the beach always speaks to a place deep inside of me, I’m well aware of the physical benefits of such grounding. While I try to incorporate grounding into my everyday routine, when traveling, grounding is even more important.

Grounding, or simply walking barefoot on sand, grass, or any natural ground, is a perfect way to ensure that your experience in Santa Teresa is what you want it to be. Grounding has a wealth of health benefits, and is known to reduce stress and inflammation. Grounding helps you to become part of the world around you in a way only you can experience. In essence, grounding is the whole point of traveling. To be in the moment, to have an adventure, and to be forever changed by it.

Walking Meditation | Nature, Wildlife, Waterfalls

Costa Rica Latin America river from pixabay

I absolutely love hiking. I love it because the focus it requires strips away the thoughts in your mind and forces you to be in the moment. There is no place better to be completely in the moment as when you are hiking the nature and wildlife preserves of Santa Teresa. Whether you choose Cabo Blanco Nature Reserve, Curu Wildlife Reserve, exploring the tidepools, or even further challenging yourself at the Montezuma Waterfalls, you are immersed, mind and body, in lush landscapes and diverse wildlife.

I have often returned from my travels with countless pictures of breathtaking views from my hiking excursions. I’ve always thought of pictures as my chance to freeze a moment in time. Yet for some reason, looking at the pictures rarely held the same feeling I had when I snapped it. This is why, when I hiked in Santa Teresa, I incorporated walking meditation techniques.

Walking meditation is not difficult: it simply brings your attention to the breath you take and the breath you release. Rather than rushing to your destination, walking meditation sets an intention for each footstep placed upon the earth. Somehow, walking with intention commits these moments to memory in a different way — in a way that almost cannot be explained. It allows you to take the time you spent traversing Santa Teresa with you, no matter where you are.

Connecting With Culture

Costa Rica Tortilla Kitchen Food from pixabay

Traveling, in general, is part of my wellness regimen. I tend to pay a lot of attention to the experience of my body and my mind in my surroundings, but connecting with a place like Santa Teresa means connecting with the culture. To me, this means enjoying the local fare. There are ample dining options in Santa Teresa that source their ingredients from the land and from the sea. Many serve their versions of palm hearts, rice, black beans, and more. There are also opportunities to experience personal chef creations. However you choose to dine in Santa Teresa, remember that the key to mindful dining is that the ingredients are local. This connects you even more deeply to your experience, and also ensures that the foods you choose will fuel your body for the next adventure.

All About Your Connection

When it comes to travel, it’s all about the connection. It’s about connecting to your destination, the people, their cultures, but most importantly, it’s about connecting with yourself. Traveling to Santa Teresa is a breathtaking experience, but it is all the more special if you know the experience you are hoping to have. When you set an intention for your time in Santa Teresa, you are much more likely to get exactly what you’re looking for… and what you need. So ground yourself in your surroundings, be intentional with your footsteps, and immerse yourself in the beauty that is Costa Rica.

