Addicted to DOTA? Want to quit? Here’s how I did it.

Can you actually quit a game you are addicted to?

Thilina Dasantha


Photo by Jeff Hardi on Unsplash

DOTA 2, If not Defense of the Ancient is a MOBA game developed by Valve which offers extensive and unlimited PVP gameplay for free. Although it’s complicated it has not stopped many players from embracing it and I was one of them. I started it in December 4 years ago and it was way beyond what I expected. I was overwhelmed by everything it had to offer and in 2 or 3 months I was addicted to it. I spent at least 4 or 5 hours playing it with my friends and this is time that otherwise I would’ve used on something else. As the addiction grows the time I spent playing grew as well.

They say it’s hard to quit something when you have sacrificed most of your time to it. What made it harder is the promise of earning something from it. Be it money, fame, or friends there’s always something on horizons that calls you out to reach them.

Don’t get me wrong, some people reach those. People get rich off of it but to me, it was not the case. I was an average player and with time your reflexes decline and you eventually give up on trying.

Does it stop there? According to my life, it doesn’t. I have realized that I will never reach the caliber of those who are at the top but still I couldn’t stop playing it. This…

