Admit that you can’t be a good man

Regard to Christianity and the Tradition of the Bible

Bonard Walton


Europeans and Americans engage in the depth of literature and the cognitive state of human nature. For example, O’Connor would write “A Good Man is Hard to Find”.

With regard to Christianity and the tradition of the Bible, both believe that Christianity is to persuade people to be good people. However, people with problem awareness find that the Bible has been telling mankind that there is no good person in this world, and everyone is guilty. In the vast narrative process of the Bible, there is no real perfect and good person at all, and everyone is full of the darkness of human nature. When you think you are already a good person, in fact you have deviated from the revelation of the Bible. Use your own utopian illusion of human nature to destroy the biblical tradition.

If a person still thinks that he can be a good person after becoming a Christian, he has not entered the traditional concept order of the Bible, has not developed a real problem awareness, and has not gotten out of his original concept dilemma.

Belief in Christ is to let you see that the world has always been ruled by the devil. This world is full of wars, plagues and famines. In a word, this is a miserable world. As a soul being, the ultimate meaning of…



Bonard Walton

Freelance Writer. Leftist critic. Here I recently started writing for a living as a professional paid writer. I enjoys writing about numerous topic