Adopting this Simple Practice will Change your Mind and your Life

Healing anxiety and depression with the shortest prayer on earth

Nicole Rose


Photo by Jeremy Yap on Unsplash

“If the only prayer you said in your whole life was, ‘thank you,’ that would suffice.” — Meister Eckhart

That opening quote from German Saint, Meister Eckhart, is quite a claim on the side of gratitude. For a Dominican monk in the 13th century, those are strong words indeed. The middle ages are often referred to as the dark ages, and for good reason.

Eckhart, like so many mystics of the middle-ages, was accused of heresy and condemned by the Franciscan-led Inquisition. Yet, for him, thank you was the prayer above all others.

Why do you think that was so?

What is a prayer? To me, a prayer is something that helps us meet our needs with a higher understanding, especially if we’re suffering or confused. When I pray, I’m admitting that I need help and I’m willing to ask for it. There’s an element of surrender in that. Surrender means letting go, and one of the quickest, most authentic ways to let go of something is to release it to the Divine.

What do I mean by that?



Nicole Rose

Dream-worker, Mystic, Lover of Divine Paradox, B.S. Psych, B.S. HDFS, Advocate for an Awakened Humanity & Conflict Resolution,