Adult Websites Are Gathering Information About You Every Time You Watch Porn

Here’s what they know and the information they’ve got on you is indeed quite “revealing”

Brian Loo Soon Hua


Photo by franco alva on Unsplash

I am an absolute fan of Pornhub Insights. No, not Pornhub (although I am honest and I will admit that I myself, more often than once, have clicked my way to this particular website and its contents for a variety of reasons), but rather, Pornhub Insights.

What is that? You might ask… and what on Earth does a site that provides all manner of online pornography have to offer in the way of “insights”? Other than the use of the term “insight” as fodder for bad sexual puns and dirty jokes.

Well, it turns out, not only is Pornhub extremely meticulous in its record-keeping, the site frequently shares the data that it collects from its visitors. Read on. If you dare.

Pornhub Insights

For those of you who have been living for the past several years under a rock or in the middle of the Amazon jungle with no internet connection — Pornhub is an adult website. In June 2020, it was the 10th most frequented website in the world and the third most visited pornographic one (yes, there are even more popular adult websites out there).

