Advantages of Being in a Cross-Cultural Relationship

Your noticeable difference is your weapon of advances

Jhemmylrut Teng


Photo by Andrik Langfield on Unsplash

I am a Filipino, and my fiancé is a Kiwi/New Zealander. We recently got engaged before this global pandemic broke out. Paul and I met in New Zealand when I was taking my post-graduate degree in 2017. Both of us never had experienced dating someone from a different culture. Therefore, it was challenging when we started building our relationship. Up to this day, we still have moments where our cultural differences get in the way, but that makes this relationship exciting and fun. So, we stuck with each other for the rest of our lives.

Based on our story, we share with you five apparent challenges of being in a cross-cultural relationship. Also, making you understand that these challenges are blessings in disguise.

Communication Dilemma

I can speak fluent English because it is my second language. However, Filipinos use American English and not British English as we were once a colony of the United States. Also, the New Zealanders have a thick distinct accent, which I am not used to hearing. It is not a posh English accent, the ones I typically hear or watch in Hollywood films. So, it is expected that we get lost in translation when we communicate with each other.



Jhemmylrut Teng

Media adviser for international relations and content creator during free time. A former TV Reporter. A life warrior.