Adversity is a Great Gift !

How to grow through adverse situations?

Nidhya Palaniappan
4 min readSep 24, 2022


When we encounter any challenges or failures in our life, we either become frustrated and get stuck with them or look for quick fixes. Sometimes we consider escaping from the problems.

Quick fixes or escaping may provide temporary relief but not long-term relief.

It is not just about getting out of the problems; we must strongly arise from them. We ought to motivate those in a similar situation to ourselves.

A woman standing on the top of a mountain and showing the sign of victory
Photo by Gursimrat Ganda on Unsplash

“Failure taught me things about myself that I could have learned no other way. I discovered I had a strong will and more discipline than I suspected.”JK Rowling

How can you grow through your adversity?

Be the owner of your life and not a victim of situations.

Don’t let circumstances control your life; instead, you take control of it.

You firmly decide how to respond to the problems without being swayed away by emotions.

How can you take control of any adverse situations?

In any challenging situation, be calm, take a few deep breaths, sit in a quiet place and ask yourself :

1) What was the source of this failure?

2) What could I have done differently to avoid this?

3) What did this experience teach me?

4) What will I do differently next time to avoid this?

5) How can I own my development as a result of this?

Never pass judgment. Be centered. Don’t blame others or yourself for the problem’s occurrence. Instead, focus on reducing the impact and what steps you can take next.

You can still take ownership even if you are not the source of the problem. But, of course, it doesn’t mean you have to take the blame and worry.

You can own by taking responsibility to flip the situation best with your knowledge, experience, and learnings.

Always believe that you are more powerful than your problems. The situations will then undoubtedly become less acute.

Challenges in Health

You can completely take control of your health issues by loving yourself unconditionally.

  • It’s okay if you haven’t cared for yourself in the past.
  • Start loving yourself from now.
  • Embrace your imperfections; you are unique in this world.
  • Mindfully take care of your physical, mental, and emotional well-being through yoga, meditation, etc.
  • Set boundaries on what is okay and not okay for your overall health, and abide by them.
  • For example, if you are working from home, set your mind to take adequate breaks between your work and follow that.

Challenges in Relationship

Don’t let your ego take over when there are hurdles in any relationship.

You take over the ownership to build a strong relationship -

  • Listen to others as you would like to be listened to.
  • Acknowledge and embrace differences and imperfections. Nobody is perfect.
  • Step out from the past.
  • Be willing to give more without any expectations.
  • Do not make assumptions; instead, clarify them through conversations.

“When we give cheerfully and accept gracefully everyone is blessed” — Maya Angelou

Challenges in Financial Stability

Stop worrying about financial obstacles; the more you worry, the more you will be caught up in the whirlwind.

You can very well own and turn your financial challenges -

  • Be grateful for what you have — even if it’s only a few pennies, you still have it!
  • Self-reflect and take learnings from your past financial missteps.
  • Set smaller, short-term financial goals.
  • Work hard towards achieving it.
  • Be optimistic about achieving those goals; even if you only meet half of them, that is fine; figure out where the gap was last time and close it in the next milestone.
  • Be consistent with your actions.

Challenges in Career / Job

You may not have received the well-deserved promotion or new role you yearned for. You may even have other challenges in your current position — whatever the case, it is entirely okay. All is well!

Your job does not define who you are.

You are a wonderful person with a tremendous role in this incredible world-

  • Don’t beat yourself for what has happened.
  • Self-reflect and identify the ways to upskill yourself and fill the gaps.
  • Find your niche skills and play strong with them.
  • The universe always finds a better path for you, so the one you are worried about might not be the best fit.

Closing Thoughts

“The pessimist sees difficulty in every opportunity. The optimist sees opportunity in every difficulty.” — Winston Churchill

Be thankful for what you have instead of worrying about what you don’t have. This shift in perception will relieve you of a lot of stress.

As a result, you can take control of adverse situations, grow from them and triumph as the master of your life!



Nidhya Palaniappan

Pragmatic Agilist| Passionate Traveller | Lifelong Learner !