Against the Grain: My Battle with Discipline

Shane Lynton
Published in
3 min readJun 3, 2024
By ASphotostudio

As a boy, I despised discipline. It was hard, uncomfortable, and strict. Time and again, I ran from it. It wasn’t until much later that I realized discipline is not an enemy but a friend.

A true friend doesn’t always tell you what you want to hear; they tell you what you need to know. Discipline is like that. It positions you for success, even if the process is challenging.

Consider New Year’s resolutions. Every year, millions of us set goals, only to abandon them within weeks. I’m guilty of this too—"hands in the air!” But take heart; you’re not alone. As we find ourselves in June, it’s natural to wonder how we got here.

Years ago, when I first started going to the gym with friends, I had the wrong mindset. I had no plan, no meal regimen — nothing. I was a teenager chasing an image, trying to impress, but I failed miserably. My inconsistent efforts led nowhere.

Moving Forward

Fast forward to 2017, and I approached the gym differently. I had a structured plan, complete with meals, sleep schedules, and new habits. I also discovered the profound impact of exercise on mental health. When I was stressed, sad, or upset, the gym became my sanctuary.

One day, after a particularly draining lunch, I was exhausted and tempted to skip the gym. Old habits tried to resurface. I had an internal debate: “Shane, you’re tired. You don’t want to go, but you have to.” Have you ever had this experience? (Let me know in the comments.)

I pushed myself like never before. Despite having a demanding evening ahead as an audio engineer, I dragged myself to the gym. A vegan protein shake and a cardio session later, my energy began to return. I tackled my workout, focusing on my abs and lower body. By the end, I felt rejuvenated, my mind was clear, and my energy levels soared. It was a revelation.

So, what can you do to embrace discipline?

  1. Have a plan: Outline your goals clearly.
  2. Set specific goals: Break them into manageable steps.
  3. Create Meal Plans: Nutrition fuels your journey.
  4. Find Accountability: A partner can keep you on track.
  5. Prioritize Sleep: Rest is crucial for success.

Discipline, like a true friend, may be tough on you, but it always has your best interests at heart. Embrace it, and you’ll find yourself in a winning position.

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Shane Lynton

I love to write stories, and personal experiences