Ahead of the Curve: The Latest SEO Trends in Education

E-learning- the next frontier

Haley Hougardy
6 min readApr 18, 2023


With the rise of E-learning, education has never been more accessible — and maybe that’s a good thing. Let me explain. The COVID-19 pandemic forced traditional classroom teaching to go online, resulting in an unprecedented boom in the E-learning sector. The number of students enrolled in online courses is projected to reach more than 3 million by the end of 2023; this staggering figure underlies the growing importance of digital learning.

With the thriving popularity of E-learning software and content, entrepreneurs in the ed-tech space must find imaginative ways to stay ahead of the curve. Search engine optimization (SEO) ensures that academic websites and content appear at the top of search engine results pages (SERPs), driving traffic and increasing visibility.

A laughing cartoon person sitting at desk with desktop and laptop computers. There is a plant and dog by the cartoon person’s side.
Blush Graphic by Irene Falgueras

Even if you’re not running an e-learning platform, there’s no reason why you can’t take advantage of the latest education trends in SEO. By utilizing these techniques, anyone producing educational or informative content online can improve the quality of their work and significantly impact learners of all ages.

SEO is not static; keeping up with the latest trends and best practices is critical for success. This article will explore the latest SEO trends in the education industry, providing insights and tips to help educators succeed in their online marketing efforts.

Latest SEO Trends in the Education Industry

Education Anxiety and Digital Literacy Among Underrepresented Groups

Addressing the root cause of educational inaccessibility should be your first goal as an educator or entrepreneur. There is a crucial need to provide students with digital literacy support. This issue is particularly prevalent among first-generation and marginalized students who feel uncomfortable with complex academic jargon on websites. Even if students have experienced online learning, they may feel discouraged or unwelcome due to underrepresentation or lack of inclusivity in traditional classroom environments. Unfortunately, many students disengage from learning as a result. Acknowledging and addressing these issues is vital to ensure all students have equitable access to education.

To improve the accessibility of educational content, we must consider the needs of underrepresented students first and foremost. This involves creating content that specifically addresses the educational needs of marginalized groups, such as students with disabilities, first-generation learners, parents, and other traditionally underrepresented groups in traditional classroom environments. By highlighting this material, you can optimize your content and ensure it reaches a broader audience.

One way we can create accessible content is to ensure you stress the alternative pathways to entering higher education. You should present information that underscores resources for financial aid counselors, academic advisors, support staff, scholarship information, and cost-effective educational achievement methods front and center. Ensuring that this particular content is easily accessible is crucial. The reason behind this is simple; when you make your content inclusive to one group, it automatically becomes more accessible to all.

Digital literacy equity is crucial for making education accessible to all students, regardless of their background. Personalizing your SEO content to meet each group’s diverse needs and preferences, utilizing different learning styles, and highlighting pathways to education can make educational content more accessible. Your SERP ranking will also improve when you have options for most students online. By doing so, we can ensure that everyone has equal access to education and build a more inclusive and equitable community for students online.

Voice Search Optimization

Educational content can benefit from optimizing for voice search due to the convenience and ease of use it provides for learners. It isn’t just an assistive technology for those with limited vision, mobility, or reading and writing proficiency anymore. It’s commonly used by everyone, regardless of their background. “Hey Alexa” or “Hey Google” have become culturally recognizable phrases that you can’t even dispute voice search optimization’s significance.

To stay competitive, educational websites and creators must incorporate voice search into their SEO strategies. Many students only have access to the internet on their phones, so mobile-friendly layouts are critical to your success. You can also focus on specific long-tail keywords and accessible and conversational speech.

Creators also want to ensure that relevant information, such as your offerings to study online or access to free resources, should be shared clearly. When students search for online learning opportunities, you want your prospective students to access essential information quickly.

Educational content creators must stay up-to-date on the latest SEO trends and incorporate voice search optimization into their strategies. By doing so, they can ensure that their content is accessible and easily discoverable to learners who use voice search technology.

Google assistant lighting up with 4 blinking lights in the center of the console
Unsplash Image by Sayan Majhi

Image Optimization

Image optimization is essential to any successful SEO strategy like any online content. In recent years, Google has prioritized sites with optimized display images. Optimizing your images will provide readers with a clearer understanding of your informational services and allow your content to accommodate accessibility standards. This can be achieved by condensing high-quality images, using the proper file format, and optimizing alt tags and captions with relevant keywords.

Alt tags are crucial in providing an image description to those with limited vision. Content management systems like WordPress or Squarespace make this process simple. Add alt tags by double-clicking on the image and adding a visual description of the image.

For instance, a picture of “Three laughing friends sitting at a table, with their laptops and notebooks out” could be labeled as such.

Three laughing friends sitting at a table, with their laptops and notebooks out
Unsplash image by Brooke Cagle

However, it’s worth noting that there are several ways to tag images, and including relevant keywords can significantly improve their visibility and accessibility. Therefore, incorporating appropriate keywords into the alt tag can help improve the overall SEO of the page while also addressing assessability standards.

There’s no doubt about it. Educational websites can improve their SEO ranking by optimizing images and providing a better user experience for all visiting.

Diversify Your Reach

The education industry is constantly evolving, as are the SEO trends that come with it. With the popularity of social media platforms and video-sharing, educators and E-learning platforms can explore new ways of engaging with their audience. For example, short educational videos or meme content can be shared on platforms like YouTube Shorts or Instagram Reels. Additionally, engaging with students on social media platforms can help boost engagement, increase visibility, and improve SEO ranking. Duolingo does a really fantastic job with this on TikTok. By embracing new platforms, we can connect with our audience in engaging and informative ways.

Key Takeaways

E-learning has undoubtedly revolutionized the education industry, and let’s be honest: it was needed. Educational content and resources must be accessible, relevant, and engaging to ensure students can access them on their mobile devices and computers. You can boost your reach through voice and search optimization practices and well-executed social media content. As an educator or entrepreneur, you should consider these SEO trends to ensure your educational content is accessible and easily discoverable online. Doing so will increase your chances of reaching your target audience and ranking higher in search engines.

Interested in learning more about the basics of SEO? Check out my article on How To Use Keywords To Maximize Your Blog’s SEO Impact.



Haley Hougardy

Writer @ mhanational.org + ex-writing instructor. Here to discuss writing/mental health in digestible ways.