AI’s Onslaught: The Impending Disruption of High-level Jobs

IT is going to change!

Tomi Smith
5 min readFeb 23, 2023


As AI technology continues to evolve, there is growing concern about its potential impact on the job market. While many discussions of AI and automation focus on low-level jobs like factory workers or drivers, there is also significant potential for AI to impact higher-level, professional positions. From doctors to lawyers, accountants to architects, a wide range of industries and professions could be disrupted by the rise of AI-powered systems. In this article, we will explore the ways in which AI is likely to impact professional-level jobs, and what this could mean for the future of the workforce.

Image by Icons8_team on Pixabay

Let me make an assumption here first, I suppose AI technology is going to have a certain degree of creativity, logic, judgment, and problem-solving abilities in the future. We can see these shadows in ChatGPT.

Please read till the end for my personal experience about how AI will change my job/industry.

1. Accountants:

AI can automate many of the routine accounting tasks such as bookkeeping, auditing, and tax preparation. With its ability to analyze data and identify patterns, AI could also improve fraud detection and risk management.

This may be good news for accountants who are constantly working overtime, right? I know many people whose work environment is really unhealthy!”

2. Architects:

AI can assist in creating building designs by analyzing data and identifying patterns to suggest optimal designs based on factors like climate, topography, and budget. This technology can also generate detailed blueprints and 3D models quickly and accurately. Who does not like it?


AI-powered diagnostic systems can assist physicians in identifying medical conditions and interpreting medical images. They can also analyze patient data to help physicians develop treatment plans and predict potential complications.

While being more efficient and accurate is certainly a good thing, human doctors also have a certain level of emotional significance. For example, when dealing with terminally ill patients and their families, but I am not sure if AI in the future could handle emotions as effectively


AI-powered legal research tools can assist with tasks like document review, contract analysis, and case law research. AI can also analyze vast amounts of data to identify trends and patterns that can help with legal decision-making.

It is already happening. AI is likely to remain used for entry-level work for now. But, who knows?


AI can assist in designing and optimizing complex systems like bridges, buildings, and aircraft. It can also simulate and test these designs in virtual environments, reducing the need for physical testing. It is just like architects.

6.Financial analysts:

AI can analyze financial data and identify trends and patterns that can inform investment decisions. It can also automate routine tasks like portfolio management and risk analysis.

If AI takes everyone’s job, who else will need financial analysts?


AI can write news articles based on data and trends, as well as analyze and summarize news stories for editors. It can also identify and track emerging news topics and monitor social media for breaking news.

It is also already happening — “BuzzFeed CEO Jonah Peretti said the publisher would use AI technology to make more comprehensive quizzes and interactive content.” (From


AI can assist in analyzing complex data sets and identifying patterns that can lead to new scientific discoveries. It can also simulate and model complex systems and processes, reducing the need for expensive and time-consuming experiments.

Which means, the Scientists can know nothing other than using AI in the future. Imagine it!

9.Marketing professionals:

AI can analyze consumer data to identify trends and patterns that can inform marketing campaigns. It can also personalize marketing messages and optimize ad targeting for individual consumers.

10. IT Industry

Yes, I am talking about the whole IT industry. Let me go through some major roles in IT industry one by one:

IT Support Staff — AI-powered chatbots and virtual assistants are becoming increasingly sophisticated and capable of resolving many common IT issues. As these technologies continue to improve, they could replace the need for human IT support staff, especially for basic or routine tasks.

Data Analysts — With the ability to analyze vast amounts of data in a fraction of the time it would take a human, AI is already being used to automate many data analysis tasks. As AI technology improves, it is possible that it could replace the need for human data analysts altogether, especially for simpler or more routine tasks.

Software Testers — AI-powered testing tools are becoming increasingly popular in the software development industry, as they can automate many of the repetitive and time-consuming tasks involved in testing software. As these tools continue to improve, it is possible that they could replace the need for human software testers.

Cybersecurity Experts — AI is already being used to detect and prevent many types of cyber threats, including malware and phishing attacks. As AI technology continues to improve, it could potentially replace the need for human cybersecurity experts, especially for simpler or routine tasks.

Programmers — While AI is already being used to generate code and automate certain programming tasks. With clear instructions, AI can do the same things in just a few mins other than human in hours. Who still need a human programmer?

The difference between AI as a tool for humans compared to all the other tools we have used in the past is that AI can learn, grow, and evolve; none of the tools we used have that ability. It is scary and exciting at the same time, and ChatGPT might be the beginning of the end.

I am upset to see how these roles are going to be replaced by AI as a DevOps Engineer in IT industry. But, I am not quite scared.

The people who refuse to accept new things will always be in the losing group, so we should accept and use it! If AI does not have autonomous goals, then it is just a tool. What we need to be afraid of are the people who use this tool.

Image by Rainer Schlossmacher on Pixabay

