Alcohol, the Body Eating Spirit

J.L. Michael
Published in
5 min readDec 10, 2022


Photo by Elīna Arāja.

It is said that the word Alcohol comes from the Arabic “Al-Kuhl” which means “ Body Eating Spirit”. It is the worst drug in the world and the one that is legal. There is a deliberate reason why alcohol is so easily accessible and other psychoactive substances aren’t.

So-called psychedelics, if taken correctly, open consciousness, create new neuropathways, and heal your mind and body. Alcohol does the opposite, it is a depressant that kills brain cells. For centuries, it has been used as a tool to control people by keeping them in a lower state of conciseness. It is the faster and most effective way to destroy the “spirit” of the community, therefore it was handed to indigenous people all over the globe.

Our culture isn’t very different; alcohol is promoted as something fun, cool, and friendly. Drinking is a part of every celebration and it is at the center of social life. At the same time, it is keeping people disconnected from their true potential.

I am not here to judge anyone who drinks. I used to drink too and I liked it. However, I would like to raise some questions about the culture of drinking and make you curious about who wants you to drink and why.

I can consider myself lucky as the decision to quit alcohol came to me suddenly and I have never felt tempted since then. Almost like some kind of…

