All Is Not Forgiven

Vena Moore
Published in
7 min readNov 9, 2020


What the 2020 Presidential Election says about America.

Photo by Alex Perz on Unsplash

Election Day Is Traumatizing

Election Day is triggering for me.

Four years ago, on Election Day, my previous job fired me after I’d done nearly two years of service. Their reasons were vague. “It’s not working out.” I’ve long ceased ruminating over the real reason.

After losing my job, I’d gone to vote, then laid low for the rest of the day. I went to bed around 1 am that night, confident that the candidate I voted for, Hillary Clinton, would win. When I woke up the next day around 8 am, I found out through social media that Donald Trump won, plunging me into a living nightmare. Enraged and saddened by the result, I did not leave the house for several days and barely ate.

For nearly four years, I went about my business as well as I could. I tried to ignore the daily assaults on my intelligence, common sense, and compassion. Along with the rest of the American people, I was relentlessly lied to, told that we couldn’t trust our own eyes, ears, or reasoning. Every day brought new outrages. Many of us resorted to the same childish tactics we were exposed to— inspired and encouraged by the most childish and inept President in American history.



Vena Moore

Dismantling white, male supremacy one word at a time.