All You Need To Know About Using Psychedelics Recreationally

Healing is not the only reason for intentional use

Julia Christina


Photo by Goashape on Unsplash

I’ve been avoiding this topic. Mainly because I’ve had judgment against recreational psychedelic use for as long as I’ve been into this topic.

I came to this work through my own healing journey, so my entire relationship with psychedelics has always been based on that. While I’ve had a handful of “social” journeys with friends over the years, I’ve always set some type of personal intention and carved out some time to go deeper on my own. I never saw the point in tripping just to trip. Part of me worried that taking psychedelics recreationally would be escapist, other parts were convinced it wouldn’t do these medicines justice.

Well, you live you learn.

I just got back from Burning Man, where for the first time I properly dove into the world of recreational use. I’m a fan.

I’m a fan because I’ve come to realize that psychedelics are not just for healing and spiritual exploration, but also for joy, fun, and leisure. (Plus, they always sneak in a little healing insight here and there anyways, but more on that shortly).

If you’re interested in recreational use, read on to learn what substances and doses are a good fit, how to think…



Julia Christina

Exploring consciousness, psychedelics, and healing. Join the journey at