Allah’s Mercy is Accessible Right Now

Path to Allah
Published in
1 min readJan 1, 2024
Created by Author

In the quiet moments of the night’s embrace,

Allah’s presence, a comforting grace.

His mercy, a river that ceaselessly flows,

Guiding us through life’s highs and lows.

Near is He, in every breath we take,

A bond unbroken, no mistake.

His caring mercy, a gentle breeze,

Whispers of love that put our hearts at ease.

In the tapestry of stars that adorn the sky,

Allah's majesty, a celestial reply.

His watchful gaze, an eternal light,

Guiding us through the darkest night.

Through trials and triumphs, a steadfast guide,

In every step, He walks by our side.

His mercy, a lantern in the shadows,

A refuge from life's tumultuous meadows.

In the symphony of life, His love the melody,

A song of compassion that sets us free.

Near is He, in the depths of our despair,

A tender touch, a heartfelt prayer.

Oh Allah, the Most Merciful and Near,

In Your embrace, we find solace and cheer.

Guide us, protect us, with Your boundless grace,

For in Your presence, we find a sacred space.


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