Always Hate What Is Wrong — But Don’t Hate The One Who Errors. Hate Sin With All Your Heart —But Forgive And Have Mercy On The Sinner:

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3 min readSep 27, 2023


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It is natural For a Believer to Feel anger when hearing about disbelief, oppression, and sin, and to Feel hate For wrongdoers because of their wrongs, as long as they continue their wrong and do not stop. However, this anger or hate is not From the ego — it is purely for Allah’s sake.

The Muslim should hate the sin, and hate the sinner’s committing of that sin. If he sees him committing a sin — he should denounce it, advise him, remind him of Allah, alarm him by reminding him of punishment that may come in this world or the Hereafter, pray For him, seek refuge with Allah From Falling into the same sin, and not help the Shaytaan against his Muslim brother.

It was also narrated by Ahmad (7985) as follows: “Do not say such things; do not help the Shaytaan against him. Rather you should say: ‘May Allah have mercy on you.”

The attitude —Hate the sin not the sinner is understood From the Following Hadith:

Hazrat Abu Hurairah( May God be pleased with him) narrates that when a man who had drunk wine was brought to the Messenger of Allah(saw).Rasulullah, (saw) said: Beat him. Hazrat Abu Hurairah, May God be pleased with him, said, Some struck him with…




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