Always Polish Your Light

There is a light inside all of us that needs to shine before the world

šŸ„°Lanu PitanšŸ„°
3 min readMay 4, 2020


Photo by David Monje on Unsplash

I must say that there is a light in every one of us that needs our tender loving care (TLC). Each one of us has his own goodness. The greed in humanity destroys this goodness and turn it into a selfish monster as we see in some today.

Most of us are only concerned with taking care of our physical needs. We forget that if we put our spiritual needs first, we are blessed beyond limits. This is because the activities of the spirit are limitless, and can expand our peace, joy, happiness and bliss beyond what we are capable of achieving individually.

The process is quite simpler than we envisage. We make sure we see the good in others, we want to do good to others, we are willing to radiate our light to shine more brilliantly to illuminate people around us. When we radiate positivity, we bring calm to the troubled soul. Usually, they might not be able to express it, but they are able to feel it, each time we are around.

We have to love our inner light and want to nurture it so that we become examples of bright light in a dark world. We have to to work on ourselves, and in time, the radiation of our spirit becomes luminous, and which in turns brings about the purification of our soul. It can only then strives upwards in the volition of what is good.

If we only concern ourselves exclusively with that which is good, then all else will follow in itself.

A person who polishes his light will live only to the joy of his fellow human beings, and will not be envious of what he does not yet possess. He will build up to clarify the spirit and make it strong.

A matured or clarified person can be easily recognised for he stands in the light and avoids all darkness. He will also generate peace around him through his nature.

It is important to beautify our world with love, light and compassion. This is where our thought comes in. What is in our thoughts day-in-day-out? Thoughts are powerful, and they manifest in our lives eventually. This is one reason why polishing our lights involve guiding our thoughts.

Light Sky image by Pixels from Pixabay

Another way of polishing our lights is to live simply in deeds and action. Our lives are unnecessarily filtered away by details, it takes a paradigm shift to take the opposite route. We must embrace the simplicity of very few desires. I am not advocating poverty here, but embracing simplicity will help us to be less selfish.

Be simple in thinking and deed, for in simplicity lies greatness and strength.

Victoria Moran on Lit from Within, mentioned that a simple life is not having little to get by with. She said that indicates a life of poverty, but rather how efficiently we can put first thing first. She went on, when we are clear about our purpose and priorities, we can painlessly discard whatever does not support these, whether its a clutter on your cabinet or commitment on your calendar.

Polishing our lights makes us shine more brilliantly to those that need our lights and help heal those distressed souls.

