Always Wanting More in Life and Never Feeling Satisfied — Learn to Understand this Lifestyle in Positive Psychology

Friska Riani
Published in
3 min readJun 1, 2024
Photo by Sasha Freemind on Unsplash

Humans are so complex, as I said a few times in my writings, and today I want to share with you how we always want more in life but never feel satisfied.

We’ve been there, too. All of us. We’re the kind of people who always want more in life and find our happiness external. Our minds keep screaming, making too much noise, and pushing us to have and achieve more.

One of my classmates experienced this thing just a month ago (don’t worry, I asked him before I shared his story with you). In our break time after class, we love discussing what we’ve studied with some friends as well.

He told me that he’s so sad, broken inside and out, and regrets what he has done. He cheated on his girlfriend while they were dating. He keeps having more girls and wants to find a better one, just as he said to me.

From the moment he did that stupid thing, I told him to stop that because one day he will know what karma does to him. But he laughed at me, and I never said a single thing that day.

Until the day came, and he finally burst into tears when I’d never seen him cry at all in all the time we’ve been friends. And what do I do? Nothing. I let him cry to feel his emotions, and I never told him to stop crying, but I let him pour it out until he felt better.

And yeap, so many stories that I had when people in my surroundings never felt satisfied when they chased external things and hoped what they chased could fill their souls. But the fact is, nothing in this world can truly satisfy us.

Everything is just temporary. Happiness is not sought; it’s realized. Stop to enjoy the present, look around, and be thankful for everything you have.

We can dig deeper into this kind of lifestyle in positive Psychology, it’s called The Hedonic Treadmill. This concept in Psychology describes the tendency of humans to feel temporarily satisfied after reaching or achieving a goal, but then they feel dissatisfied, which drives them to strive more.

The Hedonic Treadmill is a concept in Positive Psychology that explains why people tend to return to a relatively stable level of happiness despite major positive or negative events or life changes. The term likens people’s pursuit of happiness to a person on a treadmill, who has to keep walking just to stay in the same place.

I love telling my closest friends that happiness is in our hearts and within ourselves. I mean, we have to connect to our souls first, so you can feel happy, even beyond happy. That’s joy lived.

If you’re always looking for beautiful flowers, you’ll miss the most beautiful ones. Because in life, there will always be people smarter than you, prettier than you, richer than you, more successful than you, stronger than you, and more.

More always exists. Wanting more in life never truly satisfies us. Until one day, you’ll understand that happiness is about living your life in the present, in the now.

