Am I Crazy or Do These People Annoy You Too?

I want to tell them, but conventional courtesy holds me back

Pranshu "Maverick" Dwivedi


Image by Tikwa from Pixabay

If there was a tax applied for anytime someone was daft, governments would have enough money to ensure no country in the world ever lived in poverty.

You see basic stupidity everywhere around you — the most recent examples being people wearing masks and sliding them down onto their chin, in a public setting — because they’re talking on the phone!

Hello there genius — your voice will travel just fine through that mask, but that potential virus you’re putting yourself and others at risk of won’t wait for your phone call to end.

Well, the mask case is very specific to the current times, there are plenty of other things that annoy me, and yet I can do nothing but “let it go”.

Here are some — and I’ll bet you’ll agree with the way I feel, yet our collective cringes won’t change these acts of mass stupidity.

The Smiley and LOL/LMAO/OMG Overdose

Do you have that one friend who will have more emoticons and LOLs on their texts than actual words?

What about those acronyms that only they know the meaning of?



Pranshu "Maverick" Dwivedi

Stay-at-home-dad who "retired" from a 12-year career in finance at the age of 35. Curious thinker with an opinion on nearly everything and is here to share it.