American Things My French Husband Doesn’t Understand

Jolie Porter
Published in
5 min readJul 11, 2023


Photo by Shari Sirotnak on Unsplash

My French husband and I have lived in France for several years. We plan one or two trips back to enjoy American life every year. Each time we return to the U.S., I look forward to spending time with my family and shopping at Target and Trader Joe’s! Each time we board the plane, I see the same look of enthusiasm in my husband’s eyes before we take off.

My husband enjoys experiencing culture shock, trying to understand every cultural difference like a detective, and it’s always a big topic of conversation whenever we visit a new country. It’s one of the reasons I love him; he’s always open to discussing the culture shocks I experienced in France when I first met him. In this article, I’ll share the American things that remain a mystery even for him, someone who loves deciphering cultural differences.

Photo by Blake Wisz on Unsplash

Tipping culture

I’ll never forget the first time my husband and I ate in an American restaurant together. It is not customary to tip in restaurants in France. Therefore, when the waitress arrived with the credit card reader at the end of our meal together, I heard her say, “Would you like to tip?” then, to my surprise, my husband…



Jolie Porter

American girl living in France. I love meeting new people and discovering different cultures. If we are brave enough to live boldly, life can be an adventure!