Americans Don’t Give A Damn About Greatness Anymore

The United States of America finds itself in the midst of the greatest existential crisis of a generation. What comes next?

T. Dylan Daniel


Photo by Andrew Ruiz on Unsplash

State funding for universities is declining in the United States of America. Crumbling infrastructure puts drivers at risk even when protests and occasional riots about the brutal deaths of citizens of the United States at the hands of its militarized police forces don’t block streets off entirely. A deadly disease rampages these same streets, crosses these same bridges, and has strongly disincentivized in-person attendance at these same universities. In short, the United States is falling apart.

Starting in the troubled Obama presidency, Donald Trump has become a voice for the rural parts of the United States, where nobody gives a damn about greatness anymore. Instead of voting for leadership to take the nation to new heights, these voters have resisted any and all efforts to elevate absolutely anything. A Space Force that will probably be dissolved when Trump leaves office and a border wall with an extremely expensive price tag which will remain unfinished are the only things of any real substance accomplished by what has frankly been a kleptocratic regime intent upon breaking the law to line the pocketbooks of wealthy…



T. Dylan Daniel

Philosopher. Founder of WIP Publishing & PAGE DAO. Author of Formal Dialectics and Bring Back Satire.