Americans Have Privilege — You Don’t Have to Remind Us ALL The Time

The white saviors are on their soapbox again.



Photo via Pexels

I get it.

America is a boujee country.

Sing me a different song.

Yes, we’re entitled scumbags that think every immigrant who comes here has to speak English and we stick them in cages if they don’t. We’re imperialistic like no one’s business. Heck, I’m the first one to say America only cares about money (as a lower-middle-class person).

We are crappy.

But the problem comes when people from other countries or the white saviors constantly remind Americans about how this country has no morals. As a Black woman, I’ve had my fair share of American-hater episodes where I uttered a million times “I hate this country” without recognizing the privilege I have living here.

However, there’s a clear difference between getting someone to acknowledge their privilege and just being annoyed by their presence.

No one’s allowed to roast my country except for me.

Everyone should worry about their own country.

Sure, there is a slew of problems every country should work out together. But I don’t need someone who’s…




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