"Simplicity is the keystone to successful healthcare technology" — Adam Tabriz, MD

Amiss Digital Solutions And Their Paradoxical Effect On Health Equity

Establishing Health Equity Necessitates An Infrastructure That Is Logistic First

Published in
4 min readOct 30, 2022


Photo by Guillaume Zaracas on Unsplash

Amongst many futuristic resources on the internet, one that I often revisited is the site called "The Medical Futurist." The site interests me a lot as it aligns with how I envision our future. Nonetheless, I also see myself as one of the rare individuals in the medical community who has taken off my "Black Thinking Hat" that comes naturally to me as a trained physician. Instead, I try to wear my "White Thinking Hat" by gathering information, thinking about it, and finding the relevant evidence that makes sense to me.

One of the pieces I recently encountered was concerning achieving health equity. At the initial glance, the article made me see the author at the crossroads of the disruptive technological front and the lagging public perception, access, and trust in such technologies.

The piece touches on the reality of healthcare digital technology failures to open the door to a healthcare environment where every individual has equal and more options to achieve quality health.




In this vast tapestry of existence, I weave my thoughts and observations about all facets of life, offering a perspective that is uniquely my own.