
What is love?

4 min readApr 1, 2022


Photo by Pierre Bamin on Unsplash

Love 🫀

The course of true love never did run smooth, said Shakespeare, so infatuation is The Titanic I guess.

What is love?

I don’t know.

I think love is an amalgam of feelings and emotions you feel towards a person. You don’t feel happy all the time. There cannot be smiles without days filled with tears. Right now, it might be shit, but in the bigger picture, it will always be a picnic to be with them and talk to them. Right now it might not be shit as well, but my target audience are the people going through shit, so yeah titis what tit is.

Why is it hard to tell I love you?

I think it is hard to tell someone that you love them because it would mean that you are telling them that you are feeling all the feelings that love is for you.

The biggest reason is acceptance -

You are accepting the fact that you are vulnerable with that person, the fact that you are yourself with that person, the fact that being with them is your comfort space, and you feel comforted with them, you feel you aren’t alone in this world, you feel someone has got your back if you fall, a safety net, a shield of Vibranium to protect you. It means you are accepting the fact that you do think about them all the time, not only about doing stuff with them but also the weird shit they say, the weird shit they do.

You are accepting their hot booty and their weird personality as well.

Since puberty, you have felt alone and have felt that no one would like you if you were yourself. But then comes this person who is like “yeah imma accept you and that part of you who likes Michael more than Dwight in The Office”. It makes you go through the five stages of grief. Not only that, telling them that you love them is you being the most vulnerable you can be. Them giving a negative response can hurt you deeply or make you feel ecstatic, or make you put up that wall of humor, and make you regret that you let the embodiment of a trojan horse into your heart just to break it all. Even if you do say it and it does not end well, it leads to the same place. So to summarise, saying you love someone is a binary game, and after that, it is a zero-sum game. The only constant is regret. On the way, you get some action, but that is not the goal.

If the hole is the goal, love will be dove

- Alok Hegde 2022

The one thing that does boggle my mind, when I am on the loo (I am too bougie to say the toilet) is that do you think a lot about it before you say you love someone, or is it like a gut feeling like you are just talking about farts, and the other person is like “silent farts are good, no one wants another Hiroshima and Nagasaki incident”. That makes me think, did people start liking silent ones more after world war 2, hence making cold wars popular.

Love, you complex piece of shit, I cannot decide what you are to me. I cannot decide if you are a flower that will wilt after I have accepted you and plucked you or if you are better left unplucked. The other thing is, as I grow, my meaning of love will change, and I am scared my current meaning of love will become invalid, making me grow apart from that person. Should I make the person grow with me, so that their meaning of love also grows as well. How do you grow together? Most people stay together, but still feel so apart, how do I prevent that? What is love? Baby hurt me no more.

I end this with a question mark because that is how I feel about love right now. I do not know what it is, but I don’t think love needs to be defined to show you care about a person, that you cherish them, that you think them being there and just listening makes you happier than they could ever imagine.

Maybe my definition of love is that it has none.

Will get back to you on this.

Okay bye.

Thank you and have a nice day.

