While Black Series | Racism

Amplification in Action

The day I became a hashtag

Sharon Hurley Hall
The Startup
Published in
3 min readAug 24, 2020


Cover image of megaphone for Amplification in Action by Sharon Hurley Hall
Cover image courtesy of Canva

We often talk about amplifying Black voices, but what does this look like in practice? I got to find out for myself.

Was my content suppressed by Facebook?

The situation was that one of my articles appeared to be being suppressed by Facebook. It’s called The Loneliness of the Sole Black Employee.

People have had different messages about it from Facebook. The variations I know of are:

  • This article has been reported as offensive
  • This article violates community standards
  • This URL is blocked

Read it for yourself and see if you can figure out why. I certainly can’t.

In addition, most of the other antiracism content I posted on Facebook in June and July has disappeared. There seems no rhyme or reason. I’ve since been able to reshare some of it, but I’m annoyed that all the comments and stories from other…



Sharon Hurley Hall
The Startup

Antiracism activist, author, educator. https://www.antiracismnewsletter.com/ Co-Founder, Mission Equality. Co-host: Introvert Sisters . She/her.