Amy Marley

An acronym … kinda

Amy Marley


Arms wide, holding photography equipment — Amy Marley
Me being me?! — taken by a friend

A positive panda searching for the light, even in moments I wanna close my eyes tight

Marching along to the beat of my own drum

Young daughters teaching me who I want to become

Making amends with demons of my past

Accruing memories that forever will last

Ranting rambler when the charge hits

Laughter and love my favourite bits

Every moment a lesson to learn

Youthful lust for life I yearn

Sparked from the original Rasheed Hooda with the influence of some masters of the acronyms Henery X (long) and Tim Maudlin.

Thanks to each of you for being beautiful bright lights on my path.

I have coloured outside the lines of what an acronym really is, but I am discovering more and more I find it too challenging not to.

Thanks for reading.

Thanks for being you.

