An Age-Old Advice YOU never knew you needed

This will take you far if you apply it right

Raphael Madu - Fitness and Lifestyle Coach
3 min readMar 27, 2023


Photo by Tingey Injury Law Firm on Unsplash

The main aim of every human on this planet, whether they would like to believe it or not, is the survival of our species through reproduction (This isn’t us talking, it’s biology), and every single thing we do is aimed toward achieving that goal. Before you stop reading, think about it for a second:

  • You make money and gather resources to ensure the survival of yourself and your family. Our ancestors did this and you are no different.
  • You work out hard to be healthy so you can live a long life free of sicknesses. Or you just want to look better to gain the attraction of the opposite gender (Don’t worry, we don’t judge).

The underlying fact here is this: As humans, we want to survive, or at least, ensure the survival of our species. That’s why we take the risks we do. We want to find the best ways possible we can survive, and every day, we take meaningful steps to achieve that singular goal of survival such as getting a job to make more money, going to the gym to be healthier, Meditating to improve our mental health, etc.

But in the pursuit of achieving these goals, we often find ourselves lacking in one area or another. As humans, we tend to focus on the negative things in our lives instead of the positives that are consistently happening

This persistent focus on the negatives can often backtrack us from reaching our full potential. Let’s use working out as a case study to further explore this idea:

Your goal is to perform 10 reps of barbell back squats with 10 lbs on each side by the end of the month. That is your goal and you are laser-focused on achieving that goal. The end of the month is here. You’ve worked really hard to accomplish your goal. You perform your first set, and you find you can only do 8 reps of the exercise with your desired weight.

You’re frustrated, and rightfully so.

But you missed something.

You were so hyper-fixated on your loss that you didn’t realize at the beginning of the month you could barely perform 4 reps of the squats with your desired weight.

Our need for PERFECTION often blinds us from the progress we make in our lives. Instead of aiming to be perfect, we should instead aim to make consistent and constant PROGRESS in our lives, understanding that because we failed doesn’t necessarily make us failures.

Perfection is a double-edged sword. It can prove to be beneficial, or it could lead to your downfall. Instead of aiming to be perfect in everything you do, strive to make meaningful progress towards your goals, whether in fitness or outside of the gym. Make minor tweaks and adjustments to your plans to ensure your inevitable success.

No Growth without Pain

No Success without Sacrifice



Raphael Madu - Fitness and Lifestyle Coach

Fitness and Health Coach sharing knowledge and personal experiences in health and wellness.