An Eckhart Tolle Quote You Could Build a Spiritual Practice Around

It’s about Nonresistance.

David Gerken


Photo by Rohan Gupta on Unsplash

This is going to be a short article. Why? Because expounding too much on this spiritual gem by Eckhart Tolle risks muddling its essence.

It came to me in an email from back in 2019 as part of his weekly ‘present moment reminder’ series.

By the way, I’ve kept eight of those quotes in my email inbox with the first dating to February of 2013! Here’s how much I value these quotes — my current inbox consists of those eight multi-year old Eckhart quotes and four other random emails — one dealing with taxes, another a Ram Dass email quote, a non-quote email from Eckhart’s site and my Medium Daily Digest.

So, without further ado, here is the Eckhart quote that continues to blow me away:

“To offer no resistance to life is to be in a state of grace, ease and lightness.”

Does it get more eloquent than that? Reading this makes my whole inner being unclench and relax.

The centrality of nonresistance

The key to it is the third and fourth words, “no resistance.” One could base their entire spiritual practice around those two words.



David Gerken

Meditation and Mindfulness teacher. Dad of three precious kids. Former writer for THE WEST WING. Follow me at