An Extraordinary Act of Compassion on the Amazon River

One pivotal experience heightened my sense of compassion forever.

Rebecca Romanelli


Kal Visuals/unsplash

My traveling buddy, Karen and I were in sore need of a hit of compassion. We were stranded on the Amazon River and unable to pull any tricks out of our seasoned, nomad sleeves.

We had launched on our journey many weeks before this moment arrived. We had overcome several formidable obstacles, working our way down the Rio Napo tributary in Ecuador. Little did we know, Ecuador and Peru would launch into a silent and hostile war over oil rights in the Amazon.

Our small river boat cruised into the port of Iquitos, Peru, halfway to our destination, Belem, Brazil at the river’s mouth. Officials were waiting at the port and promptly informed us river and air traffic had been called to a halt.

Ours was the last boat landing and none would be departing.

Amerindian tribes had been killing travelers on the river. Their frustration over the intrusion of foreign oil companies and disasters culminating from invasive, faulty construction on the Trans Amazonian highway had climaxed. They were being displaced and began retaliating the only way they could.



Rebecca Romanelli

Heart Navigator-Forever Untamed-Inner Child Never Left-Global Citizen-who can’t go a day without Nature.