An Honest Interview With My Son

How to change the ‘modern’ American school system

Trista Signe Ainsworth


Photo by Max Fischer from Pexels

“Creativity is as important as literacy.”
Ken Robinson

My son has been studying at home this past year. As a result, we have had many honest conversations about the school system. I love we can discuss these things together, and he has some great ideas for changes that would benefit all of us.

He is 12 years old and in the seventh grade this year. I am so impressed by how resilient he has been over this past year, despite frustrations with school.

I appreciate he can speak out so eloquently about the failings of the school system and how it can be improved. Here are his thoughts.

What is your overall opinion of the school system?

One of the main problems is that it isn’t that modern. Fun fact, the school system was invented in the 1800s, and it was built to make factory workers.

Also, back in the 1800s when the school system was created, the creator of the system was using the Prussian model of schooling. They went to Europe, and they took a look at all the different models of school, and they thought that model was the best one because of their standardized educational experience.



Trista Signe Ainsworth

I write stories of love and encouragement from my heart to yours.