An Honest Review of My First 6 Months on Medium

100+ stories published, 1K+ followers and nearly $2K made, what do I think of the platform?

Violet Daniels


Image created by the author using Canva.

Strap yourself in, because this will be a bumpy ride. If you like, feel free to skip to the relevant sections you are interested in.

I have just hit my six-month milestone on Medium, and I thought it would be rude not to write a piece about my journey. It’s definitely been a learning curve, with highs and lows, but I wouldn’t give it up for the world.

I first came to Medium in August 2020, looking for a new place to write. My WordPress blog was stale, I got no real feedback from the writing community, and as a result, I felt like my words weren’t making an impact. And let's face it; all writers crave that to some degree.

Initially, Medium became a place to write all of my failed pitches. To date, despite regular pitching to editors, I still haven’t secured a commission. If it weren’t for Medium, I probably wouldn’t be writing at all, but just putting all my energy into writing emails.

With the help of Twitter, I started to build friendships with the writers here. It is easily the friendliest place on the internet, and I truly believe that — despite getting a handful of mean comments on my articles.



Violet Daniels

Full time content writer navigating the world one word at a time | Top writer in books & reading | Aspiring novelist | 📚