An Insight on How to Manage Fear and Anxiety According to Perception Science

Emmanuel Wambugu
Published in
1 min readJun 25, 2023

“There are more things, Lucilius, that frighten us than injure us. And we suffer more in imagination than in reality.” — Seneca, Epistulae ad Lucilium

Photo by Olivier Guillard on Unsplash

Seneca’s words reminded me that our experience of reality is inherently imperfect. Perception science tells us that we don’t see reality as it is, but through compelling stories our minds make up to interpret and understand reality. These stories will often match up with reality, but not always. Sometimes, perhaps even often, these stories distort the true nature of things. And that’s terrifying.

Yet also soothing.

Accepting that our minds are fallible to bias and misinterpretation can be a great way to deal with fear: like the fear of failure, preparing for an interview, or giving a public speech. Fear is often exaggerated in our minds, and by recognizing this, we may find it easier to be courageous.



Emmanuel Wambugu

Professional wildlife stalker, obsessive grass fondler, and part-time bird whisperer.