An Intelligent Princess

Prince Praveen
Published in
4 min readJun 2, 2020


Photo by Alice Alinari on Unsplash

The king of Dronachalam had a daughter called Madhuri, who was not only intelligent but also inquisitive about everything.

She always had an urge to learn more and more, so her father appointed one great scholar as Madhuri’s educator.

The princess proved herself a worthy student as time passed. One day the king’s general died, and he wanted to hire a new general for his kingdom.

The king’s officials made an announcement in the kingdom that the king was hiring for the king’s general job.

Apparently, hundreds of people came for the job and participated. In the end, only three men were left out of hundreds of people, and their names were Srinath, Vamshinath, and Kiran.

Finally, three were left and wanted only one person to hire. Hence, he decided to select one person by conducting fencing with each other. First, it’s the turn of Srinath and Vamshinath. Both of them fought each other very hard, but in the end, Srinath defeated Vamshinath.

Photo by Jan Zikán on Unsplash

Next, Srinath had to face Kiran. This time Kiran won the battle. So everyone knows the winner is Kiran, and the king said, “so the winner is Kirr…



Prince Praveen

I love playing and watching cricket. I feel life is so boring without cricket. I would love to talk about geopolitics. Oh, I forgot, I am an Engineer.