An Introverts 9 Tips on How to Take Care of Yourself When Working From Home Everyday

What You Need to Know

Maria Schlosser
4 min readNov 9, 2022


Illustration by Maria Schlosser

1. Get ready

The pinnacle of working from home, is not having to rush out of the house in the morning. Free of the time shackles every commuter is imprisoned by. Getting up extra early to shower, put on a cute outfit and eat breakfast are optional. Allowing you to spend your whole working day in pajamas without anyone noticing.

But if you stay in said pyjamas the whole day, the hours threaten to blur into one grey mass. Giving you a feeling of not having achieved anything at the end of the day.

So, if you get up and follow a simple routine like putting together a comfy outfit with matching jewellery. It can give you a sense of purpose. And in the best case help you feel ready for the day and its inherent challenges.

2. Structure your day

Just like getting dressed brings about the start of the workday. Different rituals can signal different parts of your daily schedule. Thus, give structure to your day. It could be working in different locations for different projects.

For example, doing creative work in the dining room, where there’s the best light. And reserving the desk for more focused projects. Or getting up to make yourself a cup of tea before switching to a new task. Helping your brain change from one mode to another.

3. Connect with other people

Yes, even you my fellow introvert. This requires more energy when working from home compared to going to an office. Reaching out to friends and family can seem like not worth the effort. Especially when you are already low on energy. Yet, when you meet up with the person mustered the courage to reach out to, it’s almost always worth it. We tend to forget how good it feels, not having to go through our struggles alone.

4. Move your body

Not only should you connect with others but also with yourself. Even if you’re tired. Especially when you feel like curling up in a ball and throwing a blanket over your head. That’s when you will benefit most from leaving the house.

It doesn’t matter if you go for a walk, hit the gym, or attend a pottery class. If it helps you reconnect your mind with your body. Do that.

5. Take breaks.

Lots of them. Think about taking breaks as recharging your batteries. Do the things you love. Read a book. Draw a flower. Stare out the window. Observe the birds in the trees going about their day. Watch the clouds pass by. Close your eyes and just be.

The more you embrace your free minutes, the clearer your mind will be afterwards.

And who doesn’t appreciate a clear mind.

Illustration by Maria Schlosser

6. Change things up

As much as it helps to have a routine and predefined places for specific tasks. It doesn’t hurt to break your routine from time to time.

Visit a friend who works form home for a day of coworking. Go write your correspondence at a table in a nearby park. Move your computer to a different table or work on the couch for a while. Do whatever helps you gain a slightly new perspective.

7. Be mindful of your mental health

Try to use your down time to think about non-work-related stuff. Hobbies completely unrelated to your work can help you find balance in your life.

If your job forces you to make endless decisions, it could be refreshing to go to an instructed sport lesson. Allowing you to follow the lead of someone else for once.

And if your work is more about executing someone else’s instructions, you may want to create your own work out plan. Giving you the satisfaction of self-determination you miss at work.

8. Find things to look forward to

Plan a date with a friend at the end of the week. Go out for dinner on a Wednesday evening. Do a movie night on your own. Watch all the movies you want to enjoy without anyone judging you for it or commenting on its cheesiness.

Schedule activities to look forward to. That make you want to finish work on time.

9. Clear end of the day

Find a signal for the end of your workday. It could be the change from street to lounge wear, the removal of your make up or the act of taking off your watch.

A sign for your mind and body for the end of the active part of the day. To now move on to relaxation phase. Where computers are for streaming and phones preferably stay silent.

Enjoy your rest. You deserve it.

Hopefully, some of my points resonated with you. But remember, we are all individuals with different wants and needs. So, if something is helpful for me, it doesn’t mean it’s useful for you.

In the end, it’s you who knows yourself best. Please feel free to share your thoughts and feelings in the comments section.

Thanks for reading. It means the world to me.



Maria Schlosser

passionate writer. voracious reader. enthusiastic traveler.