An Introverts Guide To Feeling Like You Have Your Life Together

10 Simple Things You Can Do Everyday

Maria Schlosser
4 min readSep 9, 2022


Illustration by Maria Schlosser

1. Make your bed.

After getting up, take a minute. Fluff your pillows. Shake out your duvet. Arrange everything the way you want your bed to look like in the evening. Tempting you to crawl under the covers. Snuggle into the pillowcase. And forget about the world around you. But resist the urge to go back in immediately. Your day awaits.

2. Hydrate.

After you make your bed, drink a fresh glass of water when you get up or feel foggy. When there’s a headache building in your temple. When you don’t know what to do next, drink water. Make yourself a cup of tea. Take a bottle with you wherever you go. Stay hydrated.

3. Spend time outside.

Step outside. Stretch your face into the sun. Let it warm you. And if the clouds hide the sunshine. Go out anyway. Feel the oxygen fill your lungs. Listen to the sounds around you. Feel the wind in your hair—the rain on your face. There’s no bad weather, after all, only bad clothes.

Go outside—every day. No matter the weather. I’m pretty sure you’ll feel better than before. Every single time. Even if it’s only when you are back inside.

4. Connect with your feelings.

Write about your dreams and fears. The future you’re envisioning and the past you want to leave behind. Talk about the worries which keep you up at night. Draw your heart out. Connect with yourself. Show yourself how you feel. In whatever way you deem best.

5. Eat your fruits and veggies.

Illustration by Maria Schlosser

There’s no need to be an enthusiastic veggie and fruit lover like my dad, who swears by eating one orange daily. There are ways to get the essential vitamins into your body. Without your tastebuds realizing. Almost every casserole contains a sort of vegetable. You can smuggle some lettuce and tomato into your cheese sandwich. Or mix a few leaves of spinach into a deliciously sweet fruit smoothie.

6. Pause.

For me taking a nap feels like the ultimate form of self-care. It helps me get out of work mode and into relaxation. There are, of course, many ways to zoom out during the day. Whether you do this by watching a YouTube Video, reading a book, or doodling in your sketchbook. It doesn’t really matter. If it gives you the feeling of taking a step back from your tasks. It does the trick.

7. Keep your surroundings as tidy as possible.

Do the dishes as soon as you finish your meal. Put the books back on your shelf after reading. Pay your bills on time and file them afterward. Wash your dirty laundry before running out of underwear. Do whatever chores are needed for your space to feel organized.

That being said. You don’t need to tidy and clean your living space spotless. There’s no use in stressing yourself and reaching a standard that does nothing for you. But if stainless is what you need to feel comfortable. Go for it.

8. Move your body.

Go to the gym. Do some yoga poses. Or go for a walk around the neighborhood. It doesn’t have to be a thrice-a-week workout plan. Just do something to feel your body. To remind yourself. You are more than your thoughts.

9. Spend quality time with your loved ones.

Water your plant babies. Tell them how beautiful you think they are. Play with your pets. Treat them to their favorite pass time. Reach out to a family member or talk to a friend. Cuddle your Partner. Tell them how much you love them.

10. Prioritise yourself.

Illustration by Maria Schlosser

Get yourself in front of a mirror. Look you in the eye and ask: What do I need right now? And then do that.

Even if it means letting someone down or you think it’s too big of a hustle for everyone else. It’s your job to look out for yourself. To say no. No one else will do it for you.

Hopefully, some of my points resonated with you. But remember, we are all individuals with different wants and needs. So, if something is helpful for me, it doesn’t mean it’s useful for you. In the end, it’s you who knows yourself best. Please feel free to share your thoughts and feelings in the comments section.

Thanks for reading. It means the world to me.



Maria Schlosser

passionate writer. voracious reader. enthusiastic traveler.