An Irrefutable Truth

Don’t go for the hustle

William Mersey


Photo by Jim Witkowski on Unsplash

Like so many others who first found Medium and hoped to generate income writing on the platform, I too read all the articles about how to succeed. They seemed endless. And almost all led the reader down a path the end of which requested you ante up money you’ll likely never earn back to learn the really juicy stuff only the exalted one-tenth of one-percenters really know.

Just for your information if you haven’t figured it out — it’s all bull shit. And it’s not that I’ve ever been stupid enough to fork over my cash for one of these courses. It’s just common sense.

If a writer is actually making big bucks on medium (or any other platform for that matter), he or she could take three courses.

First, do nothing. Let other writers figure it out for themselves. It’s not their job to impart wisdom.

Second, is giving away all that for free out of a true sense of altruism. “I got lucky and now that I earn all the money I need, maybe I can help you do the same. I’ve become so successful I don’t need anything from you beyond appreciation for my sharing knowledge.”

And then there’s #3: “I’m not really making all that much from the partner program. So let me pretend I am and really score the big bucks on the backs of all your misguided dreams.”



William Mersey

Daily Beast, NY Daily News, Daily Mail, Independent contributor. "In all matters of principle, it's the principle that matters." Just call me "Dollar Bill."