An Obstacle Course, not an Obstacle.

Miebaka Bipibama
Published in
4 min readFeb 19, 2024

Embracing Challenges for Personal Growth and Success

Photo by Marc Rafanell López on Unsplash

Isn’t it annoying when a problem prevents you from finishing a job you’ve been working so hard on? It’s been said that problems are part of life and that everyone faces them at some point. Here, we would discuss obstacles, how they affect us, and what we can do when we encounter them.

What Are Obstacles?

Obstacles are material or immaterial things that interfere with or stand in the way of progress. For instance, a lack of skills or a creative mind could be a hindrance to one’s advancement. A person trying to cross a bridge could find that their fear of heights prevents them from achieving that goal.

Effects of Obstacles:

An obstacle could be very frustrating since it can make one feel stuck or as though they are running in circles instead of moving forward. This could lead to many people abandoning the endeavour or objective, especially if they are unable to open this locked door. Also, obstacles have been the cause of millions of deaths, either from suicide or from the stress of not being able to find a way around their challenge. This makes overcoming obstacles a serious problem that needs careful consideration.

Obstacles aren’t locked doors, but obstacle courses:

It is being said that a person’s view of a task influences their ability to complete it. The same is true with obstacles; when viewed as huge and insurmountable, you find that the project they are affecting is hardly ever finished. But when hindrances are seen as an obstacle course, they become less of a giant and more like a challenge in a game that must be beaten to advance to the next level.

Photo by Yaron Cohen on Unsplash

Changing Perspectives:

It is important to shift your viewpoint towards seeing obstacles as opportunities. For example, most people would probably view challenges in video games as an opportunity to advance rather than as an obstacle course. As a result, they become more motivated to keep looking for a solution.

Learning and Growth:

Within every challenge lies a potential lesson just waiting to be learned. To me, schooling was more like an obstacle course; from nursery to the final year at the university, each class presented its own unique challenge that I had to overcome in order to advance to the next level. Like an obstacle course, each stage of challenges prepared me for the next. And I became more resilient and mature as a person with each victory.

Real-Life Applications:

Meet a friend of mine, John. He was cheerful, the life of the party, and always up for a beer. That is, until his doctor alerted him to his abnormally high blood sugar level. John made the decision to improve his health by exercising and eating a healthier diet. And after a few months, we began to notice improvements in him. John improved his physical well-being and achieved his fitness goal by adopting a positive mindset, being consistent, and refusing to let this health challenge stop him.

Fear of failure:

When we don’t have a positive mindset, we start to view obstacles as giants, which then invites fear. All fear is just False Evidence Appearing Real. Challenges ought to be seen as stepping stones towards our success. Just like obstacles, they don’t mean the end.

Photo by Guille Álvarez on Unsplash

I conclude by saying that it is important that we see life’s obstacles as opportunities for our own development. Adopt a positive mindset, which transforms them into valuable lessons and stepping stones towards success instead of viewing challenges as insurmountable roadblocks. John’s improved health serves as an example of how a positive mindset can result in favourable outcomes.

Let’s now commit to embracing challenges with a positive mindset. Take a moment to reflect on the challenges you are facing right now and see them as opportunities for learning and resilience.

Post your comments with your experiences and feedback. Remember, every obstacle is a chance for individual and group development. Let’s work together to overcome life’s obstacle courses with determination and the belief that challenges are not the end but pathways to success.

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Miebaka Bipibama

I'm here to air my thoughts on [Life's lessons, Mental health, Well-Being]