An Onward Journey

Introducing Imabong Faminu

Published in
4 min readOct 15, 2020


Photo by Mohan Reddy Atalu from Pexels

Hi there. This is Imabong — a fellow writer, avid reader, lover of all things words, and life traveler.

I consider myself a native of Nigeria and a citizen of the world even though I reside in Nigeria. I wear several hats — wife, mum, writer, poet, and author. I find vigorous discourse (not arguments) stimulating, educative, enlightening, and invigorating.

Growing up, my idea of fun was finding a quiet spot to read my favorite book and since my parents encouraged us to read wide academically, we tended to extend the same practice to our private reading. Therefore, when reading, I seek to be educated, informed, enlightened, motivated, inspired, and entertained. I want to learn about the past, be informed of the present, and imagine a future of endless possibilities.

How It Began

Writing was a natural outgrowth of my love for reading although, at the time, I considered journaling a mere hobby. My first ever inkling into the possibility of being a published writer came after a random submission to my church magazine was accepted and published as the cover story for the month. See link ( After that, life and work kind of…

