An Open Letter To A Friend Who Committed Suicide.

How is life up there? I guess it's better than the one you ran away from.

Elias Netshilavulu


An open letter to a friend who committed suicide.
Image via pexels by laker

Dear Friend,

It took me nine months to write this letter, and I think you know why. I was still grieving. I was processing the reality that you were gone for real.

I know it’s partly not my fault that you took your life, but somewhere in my heart, I suffer the guilt that I should’ve been there that night. To save your life once more, so that you could be here with us.

But I guess I failed you, or it wasn’t in my place to save you for the third time. Meaning, that your life was all on your shoulders, and you held all the choices to decide otherwise.

And you did.

Because your body was found dangling alongside the N1 road on December 24th early in the morning— leaving everyone who knew you in shock. Not to mention how heartbroken and clueless your sister was. And worse, she began to cry out in pain before she saw your soulless body and cried uncontrollably when she did.

If you still remember, it took about four hours for the forensic officers to arrive, and when they did, it took them yet another lifetime to finish their job. And your body was just hanging there, under that tree, while…



Elias Netshilavulu

It's not about passion anymore. It's about chasing inspiration to bring forth the creativity within. That way, it's all about living a creative life more often