An Open Letter To My BFF

Bring with you an open mind



Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash

Dear BFF, I understand it is hard for you to believe that I have become a different person. My priorities in life have changed. My dreams and aspirations are far-fetched from what we once planned together.

It was not easy for me either. It took me breaking some old habits, fighting a few battles, hitting actual rock-bottoms, taking a leap of faith, and emerging through it all to become this NEW me. I have evolved.

Here is what I wish you knew:

Please stop complaining that I have changed. I have outgrown the past version of myself. And I am finally happy to be serving the best version of me in all tenses. But you regret my changes because you are not able to relate to me anymore.

I have not forgotten the past. I am just incapable of dwelling on it.

You take pride in bringing up the same fights a couple of decades later. I am embarrassed for you. It is plain abuse of your mind, my time, and to all the distastefulness that follows.

When You Have Nothing Nice To Say, Say Nothing At All.

When I have a newfound interest to share with you, please do not quote the boring experiences of your coworkers. Although they may have also…




2X Top Writer in Ideas and Future; Living Life on my own terms; Runner Mom; Extreme Optimist; Software Engineering People Manager.