An Open Letter to My Teenage Self

What I should have told my younger self

A Rustic Mind (Manali Desai)
Published in
3 min readFeb 9, 2021


Dear (past) me,

Photo by Sharon McCutcheon on Unsplash

Life may seem unfair to you at this time. You might be feeling a lot of pressure, right from the way you look to the way you score in your exams.

At this point, you may think that grades are what will get you success in life and that’s understandable, given the way society has conditioned your mind. But hey,

it’s alright to get a ‘B’, ‘C’ or even an ‘F’ because an ‘F’ on an academic paper does not make you a failure in life.

Photo by Brett Jordan on Unsplash

Inferiority complex in adolescence comes with everything;

the girl who looks better than you or the guy who never looks at you and may even come with a sibling or a cousin who shines more than you, be it academically or otherwise.

You’re too young to understand or appreciate individuality but remember that you’re good the way you are, and you’ll only become a better version of yourself in the coming years. This does not however mean you can take things…

