
Another Abstruse Anti-Poem…

Obsidian Eagle
Published in
2 min readNov 4, 2020


Lotus-Pattern Wishing Well
Image by Dean Moriarty from Pixabay


The Academy could never cage

Such a singular bird as THIS ONE.

Wait a minute and hear us out before running away, will ya?

Give the thinker-soldier-tailor half a chance to spin his yarn…

Espy with thine own little eye:

The know-it-all experts each have a blindside

To them we represent a broad Generalist rebirth;

Our Flagship sails forth from an unsanctioned port of berth.

Autodidactic tactic oft redacted

But since at any rate, too few pence are ever earned

Let’s then leverage what we’ve learned

And turn it against those whom would sell said knowledge back to us

A credit at a time whilst worldly wisdom is bought up by another wealthy white Trust.

Here hollers that voice midst the hinterlands

Where ideals still dwell amongst stellar stretches

And sleepers dream deep along with both Piscean fishes ♓️

Secured at their center via subtle ~ astral ~ stitches ~

So dispense thy nickel and dime in this well — to fulfill ambitious wishes!

~ ItzQuauhtli; Herald of Quetzalcoatl
~ ItzQuauhtli; Herald of Quetzalcoatl (Shutterstock image under license)



Obsidian Eagle

Anti-Poet (alike Nicanor Parra) Author of the Lunacy Trilogy. Extreme Linguaphile. Toltec Scribe; Herald of Quetzalcoatl | Visit Œ's Ærie: