Part Two

Anatomy of a Pool


Robert Shaneyfelt
Published in
4 min readJul 1, 2024


The rough plumbing stage of my pool.
Photo by author. My pool with rough plumbing was added.

Sequel to part one.

My pool just passed the first of many city inspections.

At this time, the pool steel structure passed city inspection. I took an active part in the design. My pool is made out of gunite, combining sand and cement. Gunite pools have considerable tensile strength, so this flooring is built to last.

My pool will be six feet deep at one end and three feet deep at the other end. Plenty of depth for swimming laps. Shallow enough for my dog to climb out of it.

I would have liked the pool to be longer, but the electric company has an easement that runs through my backyard with power lines that feed my house. Having high-voltage power lines buried in your backyard limits the space you have available for pool layout. It surprised me, since I had assumed the power that fed my house came from a large transformer in my front yard.

Transformer under bush in my front yard.
Photo by author. Electrical power transformer in my front yard under a bush.

One of my neighbors suggested that the power company might come to me requesting that I trim the bush so that they could access their transformer. But now that I know the huge transformer on my property does not even feed my…



Robert Shaneyfelt

I received my Bachelor of Electrical Engineering from Trine University. “To write about life first, you must live it.” - Ernest Hemingway