Ancient Wisdom To Live Your Dream Life

“4 agreements you need to manifest hell into personal heaven”

Prince Verma


Photo by Miguel Bruna on Unsplash

Yesterday, sitting on my couch I was thinking about the limited beliefs we had been taught since childhood. These beliefs become so strong during adulthood that we find it hard to break those beliefs. For example, if a child is told that he/she can’t achieve anything in life, chances are that he/she will struggle for the rest of their life. These limited beliefs inhibit our growth and stop us from achieving our full potential.

We are told that we should be liked and accepted by everyone. Even as a child, our parents like and reward us when we do something good and we get punished for making mistakes. As a result, we try to please everyone to be liked or accepted. This belief becomes so strong later in life that we start acting fake in front of everyone. In that process, we lose our identity and we start hating ourselves.

We have made agreements with those beliefs and these agreements make our life hell. We need to replace all these agreements with new ones. Once we fill our mind with correct agreements, we can create heaven on earth. In his book the Four Agreements, the author Don Miguel talks about the four agreements we need to completely change our lives.

