And I, Thank You!

René Espinosa
Published in
2 min readFeb 23, 2022
Photo by Hanny Naibaho on Unsplash

This morning, I cozy up to my usual place with this cup spending this moment giving thanks for the abundance of God’s goodness this past week. I find this to be a good time to remind myself that I am blessed and I am grateful. Actually, for me, each day is a day of contentment and gratitude for the gifts of the past and the challenges it provides to help me keep my motor running and the mass between my ears from deteriorating.

I can get so caught up in the day’s routine that I forget to stop and be thankful for the good in my life if I don’t start this way. During the day, I am triggered to be grateful for big and small things, by big and small things. All because of a good morning coffee-kick off spiked with appreciation.

I see my wife and kids; I give thanks.

I pop peanuts into my mouth; I give thanks.

I recall a happy moment when I still had my bangs; I give thanks.

I delivered a good daddy joke; I give thanks. And laugh at myself.

This is my way of building my stockpile of happiness (an Ikigai rule).

Today and always, be thankful. And be happier.


Since I still do not qualify for Medium Partner Program — the Philippines is not among the countries included in the program, but…

If you’ve been touched, amused, or entertained by this post, or it put a smile on your face, please favor me with a cup of coffee. I will continue writing.



René Espinosa

Lighting designer. Giving light to darkness. Funny blog writer. Family guy. Photog. Pro coffee drinker. Runner. Jesus lover.