And Then, I Came Back To Breath

A simple yet effective way to get grounded and accept reality of the moment

2 min readMar 27, 2023


It was one of those days. Nothing was going my way. I was all over the place.

Everything kept triggering me.



Disappointment…you name it.

It felt like I was sitting in the rear of my car, and these emotions randomly kept taking turns to be in the car’s driving seat.

I keep making it worse by fighting with them whenever they take over.

I know that I need to take back control of my vehicle or at least need to not make it worse by fighting.

I keep failing, over and over again.

That failure makes me more flustered.

It’s a downward spiral.

Photo by Max van den Oetelaar on Unsplash

I have come out of these situations in the past. But why am I not able to do it now? I don't know.

Maybe, I need to let go. I tried to let go.

Trying is a waste of time.

And then, I came back to breath.

I felt free, I felt lighter, I felt better.

I realized that fighting with these invisible enemies made it worse. I could simply come back to breath, pay close attention to the breath entering my nostrils to the breath coming out.

And, I did.

I found out that as I came back to the breath. These enemies tried even harder, but I kept my attention on my breath, not giving them any heed.

I got to do this more often.

This is home….Breath is home.

Thank you for reading!

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